Wednesday, October 28, 2009

So what makes you feel safe?

So what makes you feel safe?
What make a person feel safe?
Maybe you feel safe when you’re at home with the door locked.
Maybe you feel safe when you’re with a loved one.
Maybe carrying a gun or self defense item makes you feel safe.
Everybody is different. Everybody needs something different to make them feel safe.
Some people don’t even think about it. They think nothing will happen to me. Nobody would dare mess with me.
Don’t be surprised. Be prepared. Be vigilant.
Lisa Sisterhen

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ever feel like “Somebody's watching me...”

Have you ever had that feeling, somebody is watching you or you’re being followed? Have you ever rushed to your car or home, closed the door and locked it, and just stood there thinking was the real or am I just imagining things? When you think someone is following you, turn around and look to make sure. Looking at a person, especially if you make eye contact, gives you important information about his appearance and intent. It also sends him the message that you are alert and therefore will not be an easy target.
Always be ready in case someone is following you. You never know.
Lisa Sisterhen

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Georgia flood

So I’m watching the news, and they are showing all the flooding that’s happening in Georgia. Then I see a news flash, about a women talking to a 911 operator, she is stuck in her minivan and the water is coming in, and she can’t get out. She has moved to the back of the van (I think most windows in the back of vans don’t roll down) the operator is trying to calm her down and have her try and kick out the window so she can get out . My heart sinks into my stomach, she is gone, and the emergency crew couldn’t get to her on time. She left behind 2 children.
What a sad story, but this happens way more than we hear. Remember if you get caught in this situation roll down your windows and get out of your vehicle as soon as possible. There are some really helpful emergency tools out there that could clearly save your life. Here is one for you to check out. It’s better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have anything.
Remember be prepared.
Lisa Sisterhen

Friday, September 11, 2009

911 Remember

911 – 8 years later
Today we look back on what happened 8 years ago.
Do we feel any safer today? Do we really think about it everyday? Most of us don’t, but we need to, we need to remember what happened.
Our hearts go out to those we lost 8 years ago.
. How has your patriotism changed since the incident? What were you doing when you found out? What did you feel at first? How do you feel now? What do you want to see happen? Did you do anything to help?
"God bless all of those that we lost, God bless all there familys, and God bless all of you who mourn for them. Always remember them, and those who risked their lives, God bless those who are still fighting for us, and God bless America."
By: Lisa Sisterhen

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Car Theft and how to avoid it.
So I’m laying in bed and thinking about what I need to do tomorrow.
All of a sudden I jump out of bed and realize that I left my lap-top in the back seat of my car.
I wake up my husband (because you know it’s like 11:45) and send him out to my car to retrieve the lap-top.
One of the best ways to avoid your car being broken into is DON’T KEEP ANYTHING VALUBLE IN YOUR CAR! That’s what the thefts are looking for. If they don’t see anything thought the windows they won’t bother with your car, they’ll just move on to the next car.
We are friend with a few of the local police officers, and you wouldn’t believe some of the thing that people have left in their cars overnight.(Purses, laptops, phones, iPods, check books I could go on and on) Just to wake up and find it missing.
Always park in a lighted area when possible, and if you have a drive way, use it. Check this out
It might help out if you can't afford a car alarm.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

How important is safety and security to you?
Do you really think about your safety?
Most of us don’t, we just go about our day, and never think anything will go wrong.
We hear about people being robbed, raped, or murdered, but it’s always somebody else.
But what if tomorrow it’s your turn? What if you’re the next victim? Can you stop it from happening? Will you know that somebody is watching you or your family or your home?
Most of us don’t. We hurry about our day, and don’t really pay attention to what is going on around you. Look around, pay attention. IT COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE OR A LOVED ONE!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Property Crime Prevention & Personal Security Tips. Great Neighbors make communities safe.

Property crime prevention for your home and neighborhood:

If you have children make sure to teach them proper safety rules for answering the door and the phone. Be sure that they understand the importance of the rules and that it is for their safety and the family that they follow them.
· With life’s crazy schedules we don’t always find the time to get to know our neighbors. We need to be deliberate about meeting our neighbors and getting to know them. Your neighbors are one of the best security systems there is. If your all are on the same page, you can provide information to one another about unusual activities or strangers in the neighborhood. Always contact the police if you see suspicious activity.
· When contacting the police for suspicious persons provide as much information as possible. For example; Car license, make, model and color. Ethnicity of person. Physical description, age weight, height. Hair color and length, eye color, clothing or any distinguishing marks.
· When away from home keeping your yard maintained is important, it gives the illusion of someone being home. Have friends or neighbors take care of it for you or hire a company you trust.
· Watch for strange cars or persons frequenting the neighborhood. Some burglars pose as sales people to find out if you have dogs, a security system, or anything that makes your house a difficult target or easy target. If you find a suspicious activity in your neighborhood report it to the local authorities.
· When away leave your contact phone numbers and locations with a neighbor or friend, stop newspaper delivery and have the post office hold your mail. You can always have a neighbor or friend perform the same tasks.
· Contact your local police department to find about neighborhood watch programs available in your area. A safety officer can assist in your efforts to make your neighborhood or community safer.
· Contact your local police department and ask them to survey your home and make any security recommendations. If you aren’t sure about your personal safety and security this is a great way to gain peace of mind.

In summary, these tips are designed to help you maximize your personal security and safety. Though it’s never guaranteed; by implementing these proven instructions the risk for your house from being targeted by criminals is greatly reduced. You can find more tips and products to secure your home or person at Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security and safety is before something happens.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Property crime prevention & personal protection tips. Self defense products save lives in tough times.

In this article I will be discussing best practices for securing property inside your home, using common sense and affordable products.
Property crime prevention inside the Home
· Installation of a security system is the single best asset for home property security. The loud sound of the alarm will scare off the burglar, and if monitored the security company will contact the local police department to respond. While at home or away your house is protected. Keep your exterior alarms turned on when home alone.
· A home surveillance system can let you keep an eye on your home anywhere there is internet access. The best systems are equipped with DVR’s. This can capture the image of the burglar to help police find them.
· When away from home for extended periods of time you should install automatic timers that can be scheduled to go on and off throughout the day on TV’s, Radio’s, and lights in different rooms. This will give the appearance of someone being at home.
· A dog is not only a companion put also a form of security for your home. The bark of a dog makes your house less of a target; whether the dog is large or small the bark lets burglars know someone may be there.
· All valuables and personal positions should be inventoried, etched with your driver’s license number, photographed, and detailed descriptions written down including make, model, and serial numbers on electronic components. Then store the records in a home safe and safety deposit box at your local bank. Be sure to make the appropriate updates to your list as needed.
· Use door jammers on all inward opening doors at night to help prevent forced entry.
· Keep emergency and non emergency telephone numbers posted by each phone and in your cell phone memory. When calling the local authorities always record the incident number to track the result of your call. If you’re calling from a location other than your home or from your cell phone be sure to state your location and the location you’re reporting.

In summary, these instructions are in random order each is important to follow. There are many ways to maximize your safety and personal security. Though it’s never guaranteed; by implementing these proven instructions the risk for your house from being targeted by criminals is greatly reduced. You can find more tips and products to secure your home or person at Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security and safety is before something happens.