How do you choose the proper personal security product for you?
There are a lot of great personal security products on the market today for self defense, like Tasers, Stun guns, Pepper spray, and Personal alarms. There are several products within each one of these to fit your every need. How do you choose which is best for you? That is definitely were most people have trouble choosing the proper product for them. Here are some questions to ask yourself that might help you make that decision.
When do you feel you need protection? In today’s environment, protection is becoming more of a necessity than an option. While jogging, at home, walking to your car? While jogging: There are pepper sprays made specifically for that task. At home any of the personal security products would be great; of course they are no substitute for a home alarm or security system. Walking to your car any of these could work depending on your situation. Any situation that places a person at risk due to location, or being alone in areas that are unfamiliar are key things to be aware of. Unfortunately, one never knows where business or events will lead throughout the day. 100% preparedness is paramount.
Are you usually walking alone to your car? A personal alarm might not help if no is there to hear it and it doesn’t scare off your attacker. However a stun gun, Taser or pepper spray is always a good beat. They will disable your attacker letting you get away. Parking garages, distance parking, even at retail outlets are locations criminals can overcome people who may be alone. Within seconds, criminals can time an opportunity that could leave a person helpless and vulnerable. The bad guys watch, and are aware of their surroundings. Do you?
Do you travel alone? When traveling alone a Taser, stun gun or pepper sprays are always good choices. I would recommend a combination of either a Taser or Stun gun coupled with a personal alarm and pepper spray key chain. Always check with your travel agency or airlines for the proper protection authorized to carry. However, travel in a car over distance must calculate for breakdowns, unexpected stops, even routine fill ups could present a situation that could drastically change in seconds!
Are you looking for something to raise a lot of attention? If that is what you’re looking for, a personal alarm is perfect choice. They admit a high decibel tone usually available from 80db to 130 db. You will diffidently grab people’s attention, or scare off your attacker. Attention can also be obtained by door alarms at hotels or your house. Most attackers are run off due to loud noises and alarms that sound unexpectedly. Whistles, car alarms, house alarms, lights and breaking glass create attention – something criminals don’t need.
How close are you willing to get to the attacker? Of course that is if you see them coming. If you don’t want to get close to them perhaps a Taser or Pepper spray is your choice. They both let you keep your distance. Being aware of your surroundings is important. Those people approaching from the front can be watched by making good eye contact, hand movements, and step patterns. Being aware of who may be approaching from the rear through the sound of footsteps, frequency of the approaching steps, shadow movements, and unusual noises could be used to deter an attack by changing you pattern of travel.
Are you physically capable to handle a Taser or Stun gun? If not pepper spray or personal alarms would be the way to go. As with any form of defense, hand tactics or personal defense tool, practice is imperative! Knowing how to use the tool, or evasive technique is critical to defend against a would-be attacker. As with handling weapons, the use of a personal defense tool should be second nature and not be a surprise to the user. Practice, practice, practice many and a variety of situations to know how you might react and to be able to use the weapon of defense properly.
What is your budget? I know that doesn’t seem like a viable question when no one can put a price on personal safety, but it is. Tasers can be expensive where as pepper spray, personal alarms and some stun guns are inexpensive. Buy the best device that you can afford for the situations you find yourself most vulnerable to defend. Once you make that significant purchase, be sure to know how to use it properly and effectively.
Remember: the best weapon is the one you don’t have to use! First of all, avoid situations that will jeopardize your safety. Secondly, if you have to use a defense weapon, know how to use it effectively. The response “I should have practiced more” is often too late at a great expense.
I don't know if this will answer all of your question on purchasing the proper personal security and self defense product for you, but I hope it will at least give you some idea and points to ponder.
Until next time, the best time to learn your lesson about personal security and self defense is before something happens.
I would like to thank Don Smith for his collaboration on this piece.
Regards, Adam