Friday, March 29, 2013

Sharing Preparedness Supplies from kit to kit

Your shelter in place kit and your to Go Bag can share items if necessary, especially when your need is critical. Water is an item that you can share between your shelter in place kit and your go bag. A time you might use this is when you have been sheltering in place and you must then leave; when that need to grab and go arises take a day’s water from shelter in place kit, just be sure to replace it. However in my opinion it is best to leave each to their own; have each kit equipped with what you need, it is too hard to remember what you took from where.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Having what you need at a moment’s notice…

Part of being prepared is having what you need at a moment’s notice. See, here is the thing you can’t take everything and the kitchen sink with you in your Go Bag so don’t drive yourself mad trying to. You must be cognitive about the place you live or are heading to and adjust your bag accordingly. If you live in the Mountains warm clothes, winter gloves, climbing gear, are practical; however if you live in the sunny shores on a beach a wind breaker, water proof sun screen and dry bags fit the bill.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Contents of a Personal Preparedness Kit

Personal Preparedness Kit

What is a personal preparedness bag?
A personal preparedness bag AKA (Go-Bag) is a bag of critical supplies and personal items needed to sustain you until you can reach a safe location or approximately 72 hours. Now many items in a well equipped go bag are used well be beyond any period of time; for example fire starter flints, sun glass, gloves, etc. I have my go bag ready in case I have to leave immediately; I leave it in a place easily accessible. Each family member in our house has a Go Bag; age appropriate of course, you will understand that we you see what contents I keep in our typical bag. Be sure to tell your support network where it is.

Personal Preparedness bag contents:

• Water one gallon per person, per day 3-day supply minimum or water source and purifier
• Food non-perishable, 3-day supply minimum like protein bars
• Flashlight
• Battery-powered or hand-crank radio (NOAA Weather Radio, if possible)
• Extra batteries
• First aid kit
• Medications 7-day supply minimum, list of medication, and pertinent medical information
• Multi-purpose tool (Leatherman or Swiss Army) I preferred the Leatherman.
• Sanitation and personal hygiene items
• Cell phone with chargers
• Family and emergency contact information
• Cash
• Emergency blanket
• Maps of the area and check point area
• 2 way radios portable ham radio
• Hand crank can opener
• N95 or surgical masks
• Water proof Matches / fire starter
• Rain gear area specific
• Towel
• Work gloves or appropriate to your area
• Self defense items
• Pepper Spray
• Stun Gun
• Guns, Ammunition
• Whistle

• Extra Socks
• Small Tarp
• Duct tape
• sleeping bag
• Magnify glass
• Signal mirror
• Compass or other navigation devise

These are the contents of we keep in our bags. Yes they weigh approximately 50 lbs for the adult pack. However having these bags packed and ready to go can make an enormous impact on your life if you need to evacuate for any reason.

Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense and preparedness is before something happens.

Friday, March 22, 2013

What does preparedness mean to you?

What does preparedness mean to you?
To me it covers an array of different areas in my life. Over the course of the next couple of weeks I will be talking about preparedness. Specifically about many areas that may have an impact on you and your family and how to prepare and plan as best you can.
Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense, and preparedness is before something happens.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Don’t Become a Victim of Crime:

I wanted to tell you about a crime that took place in my life. My vehicle was broken into over night as it was sitting in my driveway with security lights lighting the area, not motion lights just dusk to dawn lights. I think I’m going to make a few changes there. I live with my family in a good neighborhood that doesn’t really have any kind of crime. The thief damaged my door lock braking in and stole misc change, flash lights, and my day timer which carried my checkbook and misc personal information as well as the usual schedule for the weeks and months ahead. The reason I’m telling you this is because of my incompetence.

If you live in a good area that doesn’t mean that you won’t fall victim to atrocities, it just means you are less likely to have them take place. Being vigilant is always the best way to stop or prevent unwanted atrocities taking place to you or your family. The crime could have been a great deal worse than it was; it also could have been a lot less. What things do you think could have been done to help avoid this from happening? There are many things I could have implemented; a car alarm, motion lights, a driveway alarm etc. The list could go on and on.

The one and most important thing I didn’t do that wouldn’t have stopped this from happening but would have made the event a lot less troublesome is very simply, taking things of value out of the vehicle. If I would have brought my day timer inside with me the major loss would have been avoided. The other misc items don’t wreak havoc with my life like the loss of my check book and personal information that was stolen. Sure that doesn’t make the fact that I was victim change or ease my mind, but it defiantly changes the criminal’s next move. The criminal wouldn’t have possible information to steal my identity or worse. Prevention is always best; however taking the proper steps can defiantly increase your chances of not being a victim.

Being vigilant of your surroundings and carrying the proper personal security or self defense product can stop or lessen the extent of any atrocity that you might encounter. For instance walking from your place of business to your car alone could be an enormous mistake. If you have someone walk with you it decreases your likeliness of being a victim. If that isn’t an option, from the moment you leave the building have your key chain pepper spray, baton, personal alarm, or stun gun in your hand ready to use; look around for anything unusual or out of place. Perhaps a person or persons that usually are not there or acting suspiciously, a car parked improperly. Listen to sounds around you like footsteps people whispering etc.


By having you personal security and self defense product ready if some was to approach you, you will already have the upper hand in the situation, by being vigilant of your surroundings you can see or hear persons on the prowl. Being Vigilant is the best way to assure your safety. Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense, and preparedness is before something happens.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Why is it important to have many layers of security at you home?

Today I'm posting a short article my husband wrote, it offers up some good advice on protecting your home.

What is a layer of security?
Why is it important to have many layers of security at you home?

In this article I will answer those questions and identify layers you need to execute to maximize you, your family, and loved ones safety.

Layers of security are different methods of security overlying one upon another like an onion to protect your home, making it slower and difficult for a criminal to gain access. Justice department statistics show that most criminals spend 5 to 8 minutes total in your home; they keep it short to reduce the risk of getting caught. The more layers you have the better protected you will be and the less risk you have of becoming victimized by burglaries. You never know who might be lurking around your residence, looking for a way into your home to make you there next target.

Windows: To secure the windows at your home using layers start by planting thorny bushes in front of them deterring quick easy access; window stops or rod iron bars for the second layer, third install a security system with window sensors, and forth install a surveillance system to see what is going on. Those layers make it time consuming and unattractive to a burglar.

Doors: To secure your entry doors start with a security light, install a metal jamb and door or steel straps; if you have glass in your door a double key dead bolt (keyed both outside and inside)is a great way to prevent them breaking the glass and reaching through to unlock the door. More advanced doors come with a three lock mechanism that locks the door on the top and bottom along with the typical center lock. Install a security system and surveillance system to add even more layers of protection.

As you can see by using layering opportunities for your home it makes it risky and time consuming for burglaries. The few I gave you is just a jumping off point to get you started and your thinking headed in the right direction. There are multiple layers of security that will cover almost every aspect of your security at home and you should implement them to maximize your safety. Many of those layers are utilized to cover more than one aspect of securing your home. Layers of security are highly important parts of an overall personal security plan.

Remember the best time to learn lesson about personal security, self defense, and preparedness is before something happens.

For quality personal security, self defense, and preparedness products visit

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Self Defense Rule #2 Be physically trained

Self Defense Rule #2

Be physically trained (participating in a self defense class/the act, process, of imparting knowledge and skill): Physical training gives you the tools to maintain your personal security and is the single best way to be prepared.

What are the benefits of self defense training?

Why should you train in self defense?

• Preparation: With any crime, the best way to avoid it is to be prepared. Self defense training is defense preparation. Good self defense training can prepare you to deal with an assault, robbery, attempted rape, not to mention the everlasting emotional effects of an attack.
• Insurance: You purchase house, auto, fire, and even life insurance to protect you and your family. What do you do to insure you personal safety? Self defense training is the insurance you need for your personal security against being a victim of crime.
• Crime: Generation after generation, laws have been passed and law enforcement has increased in numbers and still hasn’t been able to eliminate crime. Crime is here to stay; you can’t change that; however you can reduce the risks of being a victim.
• Statistics: University studies show women who don’t fight back more often lose in an assault. In fact 73% of all women 12 years old and up will become victims, with a third being robbed, assaulted, or raped. Unfortunately just being born a woman puts you at risk for certain crimes.
• Self Reliance: In today’s world people often look the other way rather than getting involved; you can’t rely on someone coming to your rescue.
• Knowledge: Learn what to look for, know how to avoid those threatening situations, and take steps to learn best possible methods to defend yourself is key to survival and escape from your enemy. That knowledge can be the difference between life and death.
What are the benefits of self defense training?
• Building Self Confidence: Being self confident helps you in every aspect of life. It empowers you to take control and be a stronger person. For example, offenders look for timid and weak targets, then walking tall and with confidence increases the odds in your favor.
• Peace of mind: Peace of mind comes from knowing that you have the proper training to defend yourself should the time come for you to use that training for defense.
• Physical Fitness: Training improves your balance, strength, stamina, flexibility, and posture, increasing your overall health.
• Stress relief: Stress is one of the number one causes of illness; through physical and mental conditioning you reduce your stress levels. Exercise improves circulation and increases your oxygen delivery while reducing anxiety.
• Discipline: By learning self discipline, you improve self control and ability to perform under pressure.
In summary, I have stated many reasons why you should be physically trained, and what the benefits are. I hope you never find yourself in a situation where you will have to physically confront an assailant. However, if it’s unavoidable you will know how to handle it with proper training. In future articles, additional rules will help you maximize your personal security and safety. For more self defense, safety, and personal security tips and products go to Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense, emergency preparedness is before something happens.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Emergency Preparedness Basic Check List

Good afternoon everybody,

Today I’m keeping it short and sweet. Look, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) say having a family emergency plan in place is vital for making it through a disaster. In my humble opinion everyone should have one in place you never know the future and what that might bring your way. Below is a Emergency Preparedness Basic Check List.

Emergency Checklist:

1.Clean Water
1 gallon per person per day
Portable water filter

2.Emergency Food Supply
Minimum: 2-weeks per person
Recommended: 3-months per person

3.Emergency Supplies
First aid kit
Radio (battery operated or crank)
Multi-purpose utility tool

4.Family Disaster Plan
Meeting place outside of your home
Out-of-state check-in contact
Temporary shelter (tents)
Blankets, sleeping bags

Until next remember the best time to learn you lesson about personal security, self defense and preparedness is before something happens.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Ultimate Personal Safety Kit for Women.

Today I will be talking about a new product we recently started offering; The SafeFamilyLife™ Ultimate Personal Safety Kit for Women. We decided to offer this kit because of the variety of ways it has to protect you. It has a diversion safe book to keep your valuables out of site and mind, right down to some potentially lifesaving products. I have personally tested each product in this kit and they all worked above my expectations. One feature that I really found valuable was the instruction guides; it comes with the instruction manual that covers all the products and a DVD that demonstrates each product for you. I don’t know how you have fared in the past but there have been many self defense products that I have purchased that came with little to no help on how to use them. Here is a complete list of all the products that come in this package. Your Ultimate Personal Safety Kit For Women includes the following products: ½ oz. Pepper Spray with Leatherette Holster (1) Lipstick Pepper Spray (1) Diversion Safe – Book (1) Electronic Pocket Whistle (1) 130dB Personal Alarm with Light (1) All batteries included Products Instructional Manual Safe Dating Self Defense Techniques Stay Safe When Traveling What To Do If You Are Stopped By The Police What You Should Know About Sexual & Domestic Assault Instructional DVD. I have to tell you the reports are incredible they really give you some great incites! I would recommend this package to anybody. We have purchased some for our daughters in Laws and will for our 2 young girls when they are a little holder. For the price you really can’t beat it. Remember until next time the best time to learn your lesson about personal security and self defense is before something happens. Sincerly, Lisa

Thursday, March 14, 2013

You and Yours

Another day another soap box… I am so tired of watching the news and seeing the downward spiral of the human race. It is completely incomprehensible to me that people can behave in this manner. It doesn't matter what news source you watch, read, or listen to; you can't help but notice all the abuse, robbery, murders, rapes, kid knapping, basically atrocities in general. Why has are society moved in this direction? I have my thoughts, which I will save for another day. I find myself searching for ways that I can keep my family from falling victim to any of the before mentioned. I know you can’t prevent everything! But you sure can prepare as best you can! What are you doing to keep you and yours safe? I look forward to hearing from you. Until next time Best Regards, Lisa

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

We called the police

Well it’s been a while since we spoke last. I'm back thankfully and will be blogging on a regular basis again. Sorry about my absence, life has thrown some curve balls my families way lately. Here is an event that happened to my family a while back I want to share. We received a phone call at 3am from our neighbor telling us there was a person by the front of the house looking around. We called the police and my husband grabbed something to protect myself with and went out front to investigate; I agree what a stupid thing to do! Any way he went out the door and yell what are you doing! Lucky for us the person bolted down the block and even luckier for him there wasn’t more than one. My husband has done some real boneheaded things… please don’t let yourself or loved ones fall in to these traps. It's because of situations like this I have researched and found some great information on mistakes to avoid a Home Invasion. I will start bring those to you tomorrow. Until next time remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security and self defense is before something happens. Regards, Lisa