Helping people gain knowledge about personal security and safety, self defense, and preparedness so you can be better prepared and protect your families and loved ones.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
You and Yours
Another day another soap box… I am so tired of watching the news and seeing the downward spiral of the human race. It is completely incomprehensible to me that people can behave in this manner. It doesn't matter what news source you watch, read, or listen to; you can't help but notice all the abuse, robbery, murders, rapes, kid knapping, basically atrocities in general. Why has are society moved in this direction? I have my thoughts, which I will save for another day. I find myself searching for ways that I can keep my family from falling victim to any of the before mentioned. I know you can’t prevent everything! But you sure can prepare as best you can! What are you doing to keep you and yours safe? I look forward to hearing from you.
Until next time
Best Regards,