Friday, April 19, 2013

Food Storage Preparedness Preparation: Where do I start preparing? How do I start preparing?

Food Storage:

First you have to find that starting point; what do you have on hand? Specifically in these areas: Tools, Food and Water Storage, First Aid and Medical Supplies, Personal Hygiene items, and the Junk Box. Today I will break down the Food Storage. Check back Monday for Water Storage.

This might take some time to accomplish depending on your family’s size, how much food you pantry, freeze, or canned. This step is important; you might be thinking to yourself why in the world take inventory on all my food items when they will change as soon as the kids come home from school. I understand that seems a bit trifle; think of it this way if disaster strikes tonight and you must flee, no grocery stores are open, you only have what you have on hand, and now you will know just what that is. Leave no stone unturned you should record every food item no matter how trivial you think it might be; for example spices. Record canned foods to staples like flour to frozen vegetables and refrigerated lunch meats. As I spoke about with the first aid and medications in part 1 record the expiration dates for each item or the date they would no longer be editable or fit to use; which usually is a lot longer than the expiration date. Your list will be a running list, update it daily or better as items are used; it only takes a few moments when you have it organized in a spread sheet and pinned in the kitchen for all to use.

Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense, and preparedness is before something happens.