Monday, May 27, 2013

What is the perfect security tool?

That is a simple question that has a simple answer.

The single most important security tool is knowledge! Without that nothing else really matters. I say this because knowledge is the key to everything, especially when it comes to personal security and self defense. It doesn't matter how awesome your personal security tool is; if you don't know how to use it, and you're not being vigilant and prepared; it's worthless.


Being vigilant is part of any good self defense training course. Self defense training is a must. There will be times when you won't have a personal security product available and you must rely on your training and items you have around you. Self defense training is an important personal security tool.

Being vigilant isn't something you master over night is takes effort, but once you have mastered it; it becomes as natural waking up. Being vigilant helps you to identify problem situations, locations, and suspicious people in your everyday life, enabling you to steer clear of them. That knowledge protects and keeps you save as well as those with you.

Most problem situations occur anywhere and at anytime do to our own actions. It is important to identify those bad habits to keep from repeating them. Habits like walking alone, not choosing proper parking locations, and not being prepared. 76% of violent crimes occur within five miles of the home; the place we are most comfortable; that is why mastering vigilance is important. If you can be vigilant in your comfort zone you maximize you and your family's safety.


There are a lot of perfect tools for women's security; however knowledge is the key. Without proper knowledge of personal security and self defense your assailants will always be one step ahead of you. If you implement self defense training with good strategies, and self defense products you will have maximized your personal security. The Encyclopedia Galactica (the internet) has enormous amounts of resources available to help you gain the proper knowledge. Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense, and preparedness is before something happens.