Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Why Awareness is important to self-defense

Street robberies remain one of the most
common types of attack.

It seems like every day there is a news
story of ANOTHER violent incident on our

In San Antonio, TX, for example, three men
suffered SERIOUS injuries in three separate
attacks on the streets.

These young men were attacked from behind
with BRUTE force. All suffered nasty injuries
to their faces. They were hit so hard that
they were left unconscious. Their phones
and wallets were also stolen.

What else did they have in common?

They had ALL been out drinking and were
walking alone.

You may NOT always be able to prevent a
mugging. But you CAN minimize your chances
of an attack.

Don't walk home on your own after a night out,
especially when alcohol has been involved.

Like these three victims, you will have no
chance to react and are in a VERY vulnerable
situation - even if you are trained in self

Stay in a group, stay aware and take a taxi or
don't drink too much. These simple actions could
stop you from being the latest victim of street

Awareness is by far the most important part
of your self- defense arsenal. It is MORE
important than any physical self defense technique.
Without awareness, everything else falls apart."