Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Entry point crime prevention

  • Burglars often watch houses to find routine schedules. For example if you leave windows open day or night, when you come and go and if the neighbors are observant. When leaving even on a short errands make sure to lock all windows and doors.
  • Screw on stops or steel rods are great ways to allow windows to remain open for ventilation and still keep security from entry possible. If you have an alarm system having 2 connections on each window, 1 at the close position and 1 about 6 inches up will give you security and ventilation as well.
  • To prevent burglars from smashing glass to gain entry all glass should be laminated in all exterior doors, sliding glass doors or windows. This will make the glass harder to break taking them time and hassle to enter. Remember burglars look for easy targets that are quick to get in and quick to get out.
  • Window coverings are great ways of keeping your belongings out of site. However not all window covering will be effective. For example translucent or sheer curtains look great but burglars can still see through them. Opaque window coverings like drapes or blinds are most affective.
  • Exterior doors are not all equal when it comes to security for your home. All doors should be solid core or aluminum clad, should have dead bolts with long throws, wide angle peep holes, and if they have wood jambs they should have steel straps located at the strike area to help prevent forced entry. With today’s technology you can purchase doors with three lock mechanisms. These doors have a pin at the top and foot of the door in addition to the normal center lock. By pulling the leaver up it locks all three locations at once, making forced entry even more difficult to achieve.
  • Service doors from the garage to the house should follow the same criteria as exterior doors.
  • Sliding glass doors can be easy targets. Look for and implement these simple tips. Locking pins or screws to prevent doors from being lifted out, metal rod or stopper to keep door from being forced open, and be sure the operating or sliding part of the door is on the inside of the non operating or stationary side to prevent it from being easily removed.
  • Garage doors with automatic openers may seem secure, however it isn’t always safe, always lock your garage door at night. Burglars can watch your house and when you use your opener the can get the code with simple electronic devices.

In summary, these instructions are in random order each is important to follow. There are many ways to maximize your safety and personal security. Though it’s never guaranteed; by implementing these proven instructions the risk for your house from being targeted by criminals is greatly reduced. Over the next few weeks I’ll be releasing more property crime prevention instruction on different aspects of your home and property. Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security and safety is before something happens.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Top Property Crime Prevention Tips

Personal property security outside the Home:
· Never leave indications that you are not home. For example never leave your trash cans or recycle bins curb side after being emptied, never leave notes indicating no one is home. An unoccupied home is one of the first things burglars or would be criminals will look for.

· Keep all outside sheds, storages, gates or entries to your property closed and pad locked with high quality locks. This takes away the easy target. Anything that will slow them down makes them look elsewhere.

· Store all outdoor valuables such as grills, patio furniture, and lawn equipment in sheds or locked to permanent fixtures like posts or trees. Remember out of sight out of mind.

· Plant shrubs or bushes with thorns or other abrasive foliage near windows to detour entry at those locations. For example: Cactus, Roses, and Briar shrubs. Make sure you trim all shrubs and bushes to keep the opportunity for burglars to hide at a minimum.

· Security lighting all around the house is one of the best ways to ward off would be burglars. Porch lights at each entry, flood Lights with motion or dusk to dawn sensors directly wired to your house or that run off of solar batteries keep your property lit and burglars out.

· Install outdoor cameras and DVR recording equipment to be aware of what is going on at your house when you’re home or away. There is some great software that works with your surveillance system that lets you see your house on the internet live from anywhere you have an internet connection.

· Never leave your spare key in obvious locations like under the doormat, above the door trim, under plants or rocks that are distinguishable for the others. The best practice is to leave the spare key with a trusted neighbor or friend.

· Always lock you vehicle doors and don’t leave anything of value in your vehicle. It only takes seconds for burglars to gain entry, find what they want and move on. Locking valuables in your trunk is another option.

· Make sure your house number is highly visible for emergency persons to see. For example display them in an unobstructed and visible location on your house, mail box or painted on the curb. All three locations are best if it is possible.

· Install security system signs in yard. This is just another deterrent for would be burglars.

Over the next four weeks I will be providing more Personal Property Crime Prevention tips for inside the home, windows and doors, and general tips,you can implement into your homes to security them and lower your risk of becoming a victum. My full artical will be published soon. I'll keep you informed of the location.
Remember untill next the best time to learn your lesson about personal security and self defense is before something happens. Check out for informative tips and personal security products.
Regards, Adam

Friday, July 11, 2008

#1 self Defense tip Be Vigilant.

Be vigilant!
Unless someone actually jumps out and attacks you, there may be a chance to prevent a situation from slipping into violence. Look at your potential attacker. Compare their size and weight and apparent strength with your own Is it likely that the attacker is armed?
Things to look for:
· Long hair or clothing you could grab.
· Heavy boots or shoes that might cause serious damage or injury.
· Friends your or the attackers- who may come to your defense or become otherwise involved.
· A red face, flushed with blood, implies that the attacker is not ready for fighting; otherwise the blood would be diverted to their muscles.
· Follow your instincts; if you have a feeling that there is a problem, there usually is one.
· A fist shaken at you or emphatic hand gestures, including a lot of pointing, may preempt violence.
· Are you restricted in movement by your clothing: especially by your footwear?
· Is there anywhere nearby which would give you an advantage? Higher ground?

Keep the talking

Try to diffuse the situation by using words and talking out of it.

For Example:
· There is no need to hit me.
· I know you are angry but I don’t want to fight you.
· When a mugger demands money, he/she may be very nervous.
· Usually a short demand or threat is made.
· Rapists, similarly, may just make short, sharp statements
One way of dealing with the situation is to start talking about yourself, where you are going, about your ill heath, which may begin to make you more of a person. The attacker may start to relate to you more as a person and less as a victim and lose concentration, giving you the opportunity to escape. Stay calm. There may be nothing you can do to avoid a physical confrontation.

Prepare to fight back

The time to decide how and if you will fight back is now.
No one can make the decision for you. Evidence suggests that people who have at least attempted to fight back bear less psychological scars than those who choose not to defend them shelf. However each situation is different, only you can judge what you must do. If you do fight back, get angry and give it everything you have. You don’t have to fight fairly, your attacker won’t. During the confrontation, take any opportunity you can to escape, alert the police or reach safety. This isn't being weak it is being sensible.
Carry a weapon

Learn to use a knife, gun, club, baton, or aerosol sprays such as pepper spray or mace. Check the Laws I your area some may be illegal.
Use improvised weapons
· Coins from your pocket can be thrown in attackers face.
· Wrap the coins in a handkerchief and use it as a club.
· Use your bag, purse, briefcase and aim for the head.
· Umbrellas and walking sticks can be used as clubs or jabbed into feet or stomach, or brought up between the legs to an attacker’s groin.
· Hard soled shoes are essential to be able to kick effectively. Aim for the grown or scrape your shoe down a shin.
· High heels should be aimed at an attacker’s foot or hand.
· Putting all her weight on a thin heel means an average woman can exert a pressure of nearly three quarters of a ton!
· You cannot run in heels. Take them off and throw them, or use them to strike the attacker.
· A powerful flashlight may cause daze an attacker and also could make a handy club.
· Grab hand full’s of dirt, gravel or sand and throw it at the attackers face.
· Roll up a news paper and jab it end first into the face of an attacker.
· Dig a pen or pencil into an attacker’s face or hand, the attacker’s impulse may be to defend their eyes.
· Jab or scratch with keys.
· Powder from a compact may temporarily blind an attacker.
· Perfume, hair spray or deodorant can be sprayed into the attackers eyes.
· Take fingers and jab them into the eyes.
· Use the palm of the hand and thrust into the lower jaw and push up and back. Then take your knee and strike in to the groin of the attacker.
Until next time remember: The best time to learn your lesson about personal security and self defense is before something happens.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Always pay attention.

I wanted to tell you about a crime that recently took place in my life. My vehicle was broken into over night as it was sitting in my driveway with security lights lighting the area, not motion lights just dusk to dawn lights. I think I’m going to make a few changes there. I live with my family in a good neighborhood that doesn’t really have any kind of crime. The thief damaged my door lock braking in and stole misc change, flash lights, and my day timer which carried my checkbook and misc personal information as well as the usual schedule for the weeks and months ahead. The reason I’m telling you this is because of my incompetence.
Yes I do live in a good area; however that doesn’t mean that you won’t fall victim to atrocities, it just means you are less likely to have them take place. Being vigilant is always the best way to stop or prevent unwanted atrocities taking place to you or your family. The crime could have been a great deal worse than it was; it also could have been a lot less. What things do you think could have been done to help avoid this from happening? There are many things I could have implemented. A car alarm/ A motion light/A driveway alarm etc. The list could go on and on.
The one and most important thing I didn’t do that wouldn’t have stopped this from happening but would have made the event a lot less troublesome is very simply taking things of value out of the vehicle. If I would have brought my day timer inside with me the major loss would have been avoided. The other misc items don’t wreak havoc with my life like the loss of my check book and personal information that was stolen. Sure that doesn’t make the fact that I was victim change or ease my mind, but it defiantly changes the criminal’s next move. The criminal wouldn’t have possible information to steal my identity or worse. Prevention is always best; however taking the proper steps can defiantly increase your chances of not being a victim.
Being vigilant of your surroundings and carrying the proper personal security or self defense product can stop or lessen the extent of any atrocity that you might encounter. For instance walking from your place of business to your car alone could be a large mistake. IF you have someone walk with you it decreases your likeliness of being a victim. If that isn’t an option, from the moment you leave the building have your key chain pepper spray, Taser, personal alarm, or stun gun in your hand ready to use, look around for anything unusual or out of place. Perhaps a person or persons not usually there or acting suspiciously, a car parked improperly. Listen to sounds around you like footsteps people whispering etc. By having you personal security and self defense product ready if some was to approach you will already have the upper hand in the situation, by being vigilant of your surroundings you can see or hear persons on the prowl. Being Vigilant is the best way to assure your safety.
Regards, Adam

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Why is it Important to carry personal security and self defense products?

Why is it Important to carry personal security and self defense products?

Watching the news lately has really reinforced what I have been saying with a sense of urgency; the need for personal security and self defense products. You can’t be sure that some of the recent deaths could have been avoided; however it’s possible they could have been avoided by carrying personal security and self defense products. i.e., Tasers or pepper sprays. Being prepared can ward off a lot of tragic, terrible circumstances, and save your life. It gives you the element of surprise your attacker isn’t ready for. They approach you thinking they have the upper hand until a shot of pepper spray hits them right in the face or a Taser renders their bodies useless giving you the opportunity to flee. Every time I hear or read about such atrocities it makes my skin crawl. The unfortunate part is that even though we have some of the finest trained police officers in the world they aren’t always there in our time of need. I can’t stress enough how important it is to carry personal security and self defense equipment. I would strongly recommend practicing with your personal security and self defense products so you are ready and able to handle your equipment. You need to take action now, so you don’t wish you had purchased that for me, spouse, or children after the fact. By being prepared with the proper equipment and training can you put the odds on you or your loved one’s side.

In my opinion a Taser is the best product for personal security and self defense today; owning a Taser comes with responsibility and training. Pepper spray is the next best thing. Both can accomplish what you need! A chance to get away from your attacker.

Here are some reasons I believe Tasers are awesome personal security devices.
  • Neuromuscular Incapacitation: They actually disrupt your assailant’s nervous system rendering them useless.

  • They are a non-lethal weapon that can be carried in most states. (“TASER devices are not considered firearms by the US Government. They can be legally carried (concealed or open) without permit required in 43 states. Prohibited citizen use in DC, HI, MA, MI, NJ, NY, RI, WI, certain cities and counties. CT and IL are legal with restrictions. Check local laws before purchasing or carrying electronic control devices.” Courtesy of Taser International.)

  • They work from up to 15 feet away. Giving you a comfortable space between you and the attacker.

  • They can penetrate up to 2 inches of clothing. This makes it great for even cold climate areas.

  • A hit on any part of the body can be effective; which allows the stressed filled person to hit their target. Practice practice, practice is still the best policy.

  • They are one of the most reliable forms of self defense equipment.

  • Anti-Felon identification makes the product great for keeping people from using them irresponsibly.

Here are some reasons why I believe Pepper Spray is a wonderful personal security device.
  • The effects; Pepper Spray causes the eyes to seal with tears, nose to run, excessive coughing, shortness of breath, and extreme burning sensations. Taking the fight right out of a person.

  • Pepper Spray doesn’t just wipe off. In fact rubbing can intensify the burn.

  • Concealment; Pepper Sprays are available in many forms. From the key chain spray to pens, lip stick and even pagers. There is a Pepper Spray for every situation you may need it for. Home use, traveling, jogging, walking, work etc.

  • Light weight easy to carry.

  • Affordable. Pepper Spray definitely gives you the best results for the price.

  • Range; some spray’s are good up to 15 feet.

  • Easy to use. There isn’t a lot of training required. Again practice practice practice.

Each product has its own relevance to each situation you encounter. In my opinion both Pepper Spray and Tasers do the best job helping you keep your distance and enable you to flee. Now all that being said there is no cure for every situation. There can be draw backs to these products i.e. pepper spray in extreme wind can cause blow back. In light of that being prepared and trained with the right products just might save your life.

Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security and self defense is before something happens! You, your loved ones and closest friends’ deserve to be safe. So buy personal security and self defense products.

Regards, Adam
A & L Family Enterprises Inc.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

How do you choose the proper personal security product for you?

How do you choose the proper personal security product for you?
There are a lot of great personal security products on the market today for self defense, like Tasers, Stun guns, Pepper spray, and Personal alarms. There are several products within each one of these to fit your every need. How do you choose which is best for you? That is definitely were most people have trouble choosing the proper product for them. Here are some questions to ask yourself that might help you make that decision.

When do you feel you need protection? In today’s environment, protection is becoming more of a necessity than an option. While jogging, at home, walking to your car? While jogging: There are pepper sprays made specifically for that task. At home any of the personal security products would be great; of course they are no substitute for a home alarm or security system. Walking to your car any of these could work depending on your situation. Any situation that places a person at risk due to location, or being alone in areas that are unfamiliar are key things to be aware of. Unfortunately, one never knows where business or events will lead throughout the day. 100% preparedness is paramount.

Are you usually walking alone to your car? A personal alarm might not help if no is there to hear it and it doesn’t scare off your attacker. However a stun gun, Taser or pepper spray is always a good beat. They will disable your attacker letting you get away. Parking garages, distance parking, even at retail outlets are locations criminals can overcome people who may be alone. Within seconds, criminals can time an opportunity that could leave a person helpless and vulnerable. The bad guys watch, and are aware of their surroundings. Do you?

Do you travel alone? When traveling alone a Taser, stun gun or pepper sprays are always good choices. I would recommend a combination of either a Taser or Stun gun coupled with a personal alarm and pepper spray key chain. Always check with your travel agency or airlines for the proper protection authorized to carry. However, travel in a car over distance must calculate for breakdowns, unexpected stops, even routine fill ups could present a situation that could drastically change in seconds!

Are you looking for something to raise a lot of attention? If that is what you’re looking for, a personal alarm is perfect choice. They admit a high decibel tone usually available from 80db to 130 db. You will diffidently grab people’s attention, or scare off your attacker. Attention can also be obtained by door alarms at hotels or your house. Most attackers are run off due to loud noises and alarms that sound unexpectedly. Whistles, car alarms, house alarms, lights and breaking glass create attention – something criminals don’t need.

How close are you willing to get to the attacker? Of course that is if you see them coming. If you don’t want to get close to them perhaps a Taser or Pepper spray is your choice. They both let you keep your distance. Being aware of your surroundings is important. Those people approaching from the front can be watched by making good eye contact, hand movements, and step patterns. Being aware of who may be approaching from the rear through the sound of footsteps, frequency of the approaching steps, shadow movements, and unusual noises could be used to deter an attack by changing you pattern of travel.
Are you physically capable to handle a Taser or Stun gun? If not pepper spray or personal alarms would be the way to go. As with any form of defense, hand tactics or personal defense tool, practice is imperative! Knowing how to use the tool, or evasive technique is critical to defend against a would-be attacker. As with handling weapons, the use of a personal defense tool should be second nature and not be a surprise to the user. Practice, practice, practice many and a variety of situations to know how you might react and to be able to use the weapon of defense properly.

What is your budget? I know that doesn’t seem like a viable question when no one can put a price on personal safety, but it is. Tasers can be expensive where as pepper spray, personal alarms and some stun guns are inexpensive. Buy the best device that you can afford for the situations you find yourself most vulnerable to defend. Once you make that significant purchase, be sure to know how to use it properly and effectively.

Remember: the best weapon is the one you don’t have to use! First of all, avoid situations that will jeopardize your safety. Secondly, if you have to use a defense weapon, know how to use it effectively. The response “I should have practiced more” is often too late at a great expense.

I don't know if this will answer all of your question on purchasing the proper personal security and self defense product for you, but I hope it will at least give you some idea and points to ponder.
Until next time, the best time to learn your lesson about personal security and self defense is before something happens.
I would like to thank Don Smith for his collaboration on this piece.
Regards, Adam

Thursday, January 24, 2008

How will your family stay in touch when disaster strikes?

This is a great outline you will need to put an emergency disaster communication plan together. If you actually follow what I’m about to tell you, and distribute it to all your family it will make communication easier during a disaster. This is not something I just dreamed up. The department of Home Land Security developed it. It’s a great plan and everyone should have one. You never know when it might be needed.
First you need basic information like:
Out of town contact name
· Home Telephone #
· Mobile phone (cell phone) #
· Email address
Right down the following information for each family member and keep it up to date:
· Name
· Birth date
· Social security number
· Important medical information
Where to go in case of emergency: Write down where your family spends the most time: Home, work, school and other places you frequent like daycare providers, friends houses any place you spend alot of time, they should all have site specific emergency plan.
· Address
· Phone #
· Neighborhood meeting place
· Regional meeting place
· Address
· Phone#
· Evacuation plan
· Address
· Phone#
· Evacuation plan

Other places you frequent:

· Address
· Phone#
· Evacuation plan
Important information you should document and keep up to date:
· Name
· Phone #
· Policy #
· Name
· Phone #
· Policy #
Medical Insurance:
· Name
· Phone #
· Policy #
Homeowners/Renters insurance:
· Name
· Phone #
· Policy #
· Name
· Phone #
· Policy #

Now you are set! You have just made a communication plan in case of a disaster. I really hope that you take this plan an implement it. This plan is a terrific way to assure everyone is on the same page. It is also assuring knowing where all your family members are or are going to be in the event something happens.
Another way to stay prepared is to have a emergency preparedness or safety kit at home and in your vehical. You can never be to prepared. You either plan ahead or you plan to fail.
Untill next time Remember:
The best way to learn your lesson about personal security and self defense is before something happens!
Regards, Adam

Saturday, January 19, 2008

What Personal Security and Self Defense mean to me.

As I lay awake in bed last night, my mind racing, I had an epiphany. It started like this. Why do I feel so strongly about personal security and self defense? Was it my two beautiful daughters, my two strapping sons, my loving wife, or my parents? Maybe it is my grand children that haven’t came along yet?
It came to me clear and crisp like the gleaming stars on a cold winter’s night without the faintest hint of clouds. It’s the enjoyment of family and loved ones, the camaraderie of great friends. It’s Life! The opportunity we have to spend time and share our lives together, helping each other through the good times and the difficult times, being there during their times of need and them for mine. How important it is to protect your loved ones? We have only a short while to spend with each other before we leave to our final resting place. Why not give all you can to protect and plan for your families and loved ones safety! You can’t possible plan for every atrocity that might come your way. However there is number of ways to provide assurance and safety to all you love, to gain peace of mind. I believe it starts with personal security and self defense. I know there are far too many things you could never possible account for, I don’t worry about those. I just try to be as prepared as I can be. Along with that comes the responsibility to assure I’m doing all I can for my family and friends.
To sum it all up it comes down to love, and what I would do to protect the one’s I love. That is what Personal Security and Self Defense means to me. Thank you for letting me share my thoughts with you.
Regards, Adam

Friday, January 18, 2008


Good evening,

The first thing you need to know is that Tasers are not considered firearms. Some Tasers due resemble fire arms,( like the Advanced Taser M18) but rest assured those aren't considered firearms either. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms has stated that. Now the Taser has gained notoriety in the news lately for good reason, it is a very affective tool against attackers. A Taser can render your attacker harmless in just a few seconds, giving you the time to get away and call the local authorities.

Lets checkout the C2 Taser:
The Taser C2 comes in 4 colors metallic pink, black pearl, titanium silver, and electric blue. The
Taser C2 model uses a 30-second cycle. The timing cycle is 30-seconds total upon its activation with the following pulse rates: 17 pulses per second (PPS) for 5 seconds, 12 PPS for 15 seconds, ½ second break, 17 PPS for 1.5 seconds, 8 PPS for remaining 8 seconds.
The power is as follows 5 watts; 0.07 joules per pulse; 2.1 mA average current.

As you can see the Taser C2 packs a powerful punch, as well as all the taser models. If you are looking for a great personal security tool the Taser is a wonderful way to go. keep in mind Tasers aren't legal in all the states in America, be sure to check your area prior to purchasing a Taser. Here are the restricted states: DC, MA, RI, NY, NJ, WI, MI, HI & certain cities & counties. CT and IL are legal with certain restrictions and requirements.

Until next time remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security and self defense is before something happens.

Regards, Adam