Helping people gain knowledge about personal security and safety, self defense, and preparedness so you can be better prepared and protect your families and loved ones.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
We called the police
Well it’s been a while since we spoke last. I'm back thankfully and will be blogging on a regular basis again. Sorry about my absence, life has thrown some curve balls my families way lately.
Here is an event that happened to my family a while back I want to share. We received a phone call at 3am from our neighbor telling us there was a person by the front of the house looking around. We called the police and my husband grabbed something to protect myself with and went out front to investigate; I agree what a stupid thing to do! Any way he went out the door and yell what are you doing! Lucky for us the person bolted down the block and even luckier for him there wasn’t more than one.
My husband has done some real boneheaded things… please don’t let yourself or loved ones fall in to these traps. It's because of situations like this I have researched and found some great information on mistakes to avoid a Home Invasion. I will start bring those to you tomorrow.
Until next time remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security and self defense is before something happens.
Regards, Lisa