Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Clearing the Clutter from your Home:
Is it difficult to find room in your home? Do you need more space? In this article I will be giving you some guidance for removing old items, creating that much needed space. For the serious Prepper it is an inescapable need, and if you’re not a Prepper you will find this information valuable.

The time has come to start making room. If you are a Prepper you know why it is necessary; storing enough food for a year takes space, and a lot of it!
Create a list of all areas of your home inside and outside that you need to purge; take that list and put together a plan and methodically move through it. Call a family meeting; make each person be accountable to one another assuring the plan goes into effect. It‘s really easy to talk yourself into hanging on to stuff and the excuses you will find are amazing.
Start by removing none essential and unused items that have no purpose other than collecting dust or those maybe someday I will use it. Let’s get going!

1. Cloths, well really anything you wear (boots, shoes, and coats) if you haven’t worn them in a year, they need to go. The exception is specialty gear like hunting gear, winter gear, hand me downs, etc. Let me qualify this; those 10 sweaters you might wear again if they come back in style, doesn’t count as winter gear! They need to go!
2. Any old appliances, vacuums, anything from hobbies you no longer partake of like golf bags, skis, tennis rackets, etc. need to go!
3. The DVD collections; if you are like me, you have an enormous DVD collection you will never watch; however you hold on to them because you may want to at some point in the future; don’t get me started on VHS. Do you even own a VHS player? Again they need to go! Are you starting to see the pattern here?
4. Books and magazines sometimes are difficult to let go of. Keeping books that directly pertain to you like your work, educational or classics are fine; however you need to sort through them keeping the ones you can’t live without and discard the rest. Your collection of national Geographic magazines from the last 4 decades that you haven’t looked at in years let alone thought of need to go!
5. What do you do with all the stuff? Sell it on Ebay, Craigslist, garage sales, flea markets; everyone can use extra money. Donate the items that don’t sale to Good Will, Retarded Children’s Fund, Epilepsy Foundation, KK Cares, any charity.

There are a multitude of items that I haven’t mentioned; that’s not a pass to keep them. Now you have basic ideas to help you tackle this task of clearing the clutter. You need to make it happen believe me the benefits outweigh the difficulty. This isn’t something you accomplished overnight; it will take time; just keep moving forward, you will make it, and be better for it! Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self-defense, and preparedness is before something happens.

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