Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Women’s Self Defense Training the Be Series:

Rule #2: Be physically trained (participating in a self defense class/the act, process, of imparting knowledge and skill): Physical training gives you the tools to maintain your personal security and is the single best way to be prepared. Why should you train in self defense? What are the benefits of self defense training?

Why should you train in self defense?

• Preparation: With any crime, the best way to avoid it is to be prepared. Self defense training is defense preparation. Good self defense training can prepare you to deal with an assault, robbery, attempted rape, not to mention the everlasting emotional effects of an attack.
• Insurance: You purchase house, auto, fire, and even life insurance to protect you and your family. What do you do to insure you personal safety? Self defense training is the insurance you need for your personal security against being a victim of crime.
• Crime: Generation after generation, laws have been passed and law enforcement has increased in numbers and still hasn’t been able to eliminate crime. Crime is here to stay; you can’t change that; however you can reduce the risks of being a victim.
• Statistics: University studies show women who don’t fight back more often lose in an assault. In fact 73% of all women 12 years old and up will become victims, with a third being robbed, assaulted, or raped. Unfortunately just being born a woman puts you at risk for certain crimes.
• Self Reliance: In today’s world people often look the other way rather than getting involved; you can’t rely on someone coming to your rescue.
• Knowledge: Learn what to look for, know how to avoid those threatening situations, and take steps to learn best possible methods to defend yourself is key to survival and escape from your enemy. That knowledge can be the difference between life and death.

What are the benefits of self defense training?

• Building Self Confidence: Being self confident helps you in every aspect of life. It empowers you to take control and be a stronger person. For example, offenders look for timid and weak targets, then walking tall and with confidence increases the odds in your favor.
• Peace of mind: Peace of mind comes from knowing that you have the proper training to defend yourself should the time come for you to use that training for defense.
• Physical Fitness: Training improves your balance, strength, stamina, flexibility, and posture, increasing your overall health.
• Stress relief: Stress is one of the number one causes of illness; through physical and mental conditioning you reduce your stress levels. Exercise improves circulation and increases your oxygen delivery while reducing anxiety.
• Discipline: By learning self discipline, you improve self control and ability to perform under pressure.

In summary, I have stated many reasons why you should be physically trained, and what the benefits are. I hope you never find yourself in a situation where you will have to physically confront an assailant. However, if it’s unavoidable you will know how to handle it with proper training. For more self defense, safety, and personal security tips and products go to www.yourpersonalsecuritystore.com

Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security and self defense is before something happens.