Helping people gain knowledge about personal security and safety, self defense, and preparedness so you can be better prepared and protect your families and loved ones.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Fire Safety Planning
This week we will discuss Fire Safety Planning, Smoke Alarms, and what you can do to protect your family from fire danger.
How Do I Install My Smoke Alarms
If you can use a screw driver and operate a drill, you can install a battery operated smoke alarm. If you intend to purchase a household current smoke alarm system they should be installed by a licensed electrician. This type can be wired so if there is a fire elsewhere in the house it will trigger all alarms. This type of design will give you the most warning in case of a fire. Since smoke rises, mount alarms high on wall or on the ceiling. For effective operation smoke alarms should be located away from corners. Don’t install a smoke alarm too near a window, door, or forced-air register where drafts could interfere with the unit’s operation. On a normal flat ceiling install the smoke alarm a minimum of 6 inches from the nearest wall. On the wall, locate the top of the alarm between 6 inches and 12 inches from the ceiling. In rooms with high pitched ceilings, mount the alarm at or near the ceiling near the high point. Take a look around your home and make sure you have installed your current alarms properly.
How many do I need?
Install a smoke alarm outside each sleeping area, and on each level of the home. In a single level home, one alarm may be sufficient if all the bedrooms connect to a common passageway. If sleeping areas are separated one should be installed for each area. If occupants sleep with bedroom doors closed, install a smoke alarm in each bedroom. In all cases, be sure everyone sleeping in your home can hear all smoke alarms.
Smoke alarms are not recommended for kitchen, bathrooms or garages, where cooking fumes, steam or exhaust could set off false alarms.
Remember best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense, and preparedness is before something happens.