Helping people gain knowledge about personal security and safety, self defense, and preparedness so you can be better prepared and protect your families and loved ones.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Basic Food Storage: How Much? & What Kind?
How do you know how much food you need to store? What kinds of food should your family store? Those two questions are frequently asked and the answers vary according to each person’s family characteristics. We will help you to identify those for your family, placing you on the correct path; after all food storage is a cornerstone of preparedness.
Our bodies are capable of lasting a while without food by feeding on its self; draining your energy and brain power necessary to make it through a disaster. By adequately storing enough food for your family you can mitigate the struggle.
How do you calculate the amount of food you need to store?
It is the consensus of many experts that you need at least one year of food storage to sustain your family during a prolonged disaster.
In order to calculate the amount of food you have to store you need to calculate the number of calories each member of your family needs to consume to sustain their weight and activity levels. Using the B.M.R. (Basic Metabolic Rate) formula you will be able to calculate the calories for each person.
Here are the formulas you need:
• Adult women:
655 + (4.3 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) – (4.7 x age in years)
• Adult men:
66 + (6.3 x weight in pounds) + (12.9 x height in inches) – (6.8 x age in years)
• Girl:
655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) – (4.7 x age in years).
• Boy:
66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) – (6.8 x age in year)
Once you have the figures from above use the multipliers below to find the activity level of each family member.
Sedentary (little to no exercise): multiply by 1.2
Light (exercise up to 3 times a week): multiply by 1.3 (1.375 for children)
Moderate (exercise 3 or more times a week): multiply by 1.4 (1.55 for children)
Heavy (exercise 5 or more times a week): multiply by 1.5 (1.725 for children)
With this information you can plan the proper amount of food to store.
What kind of food should your family store?
Every family should store a well balanced diet to sustain their bodies as best as possible; during a disaster your body needs proper nutrition even more do to the stress placed on it. Long self life food items are not part of most families’ diet, so I recommend introducing those food items into your meal plans. This has a couple of benefits, first an abrupt change in diet can cause gastrointestinal problems and 2nd it allows your family to become familiar with it.
• wheat
• legumes
• Grains (corn, millet, oats, buckwheat, etc.)
• dried and canned fruits and vegetables
• dried milk
• canned or dried meats
• honey
• salt
• oils (coconut and Olive)
• baking powder
• Multiple vitamin and mineral supplements and extra vitamin C
To truly survive you have to engage a self-reliant attitude by taking what you learn and adapting it to your family; no family’s needs are the same so it is important to make your food lists and amounts according to your families.
Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self-defense, and preparedness is before something happens.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Why Awareness is important to self-defense
Street robberies remain one of the most
common types of attack.
It seems like every day there is a news
story of ANOTHER violent incident on our
In San Antonio, TX, for example, three men
suffered SERIOUS injuries in three separate
attacks on the streets.
These young men were attacked from behind
with BRUTE force. All suffered nasty injuries
to their faces. They were hit so hard that
they were left unconscious. Their phones
and wallets were also stolen.
What else did they have in common?
They had ALL been out drinking and were
walking alone.
You may NOT always be able to prevent a
mugging. But you CAN minimize your chances
of an attack.
Don't walk home on your own after a night out,
especially when alcohol has been involved.
Like these three victims, you will have no
chance to react and are in a VERY vulnerable
situation - even if you are trained in self
Stay in a group, stay aware and take a taxi or
don't drink too much. These simple actions could
stop you from being the latest victim of street
Awareness is by far the most important part
of your self- defense arsenal. It is MORE
important than any physical self defense technique.
Without awareness, everything else falls apart."
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Women's Self Defense Training - Be Equipped
By Adam Sisterhen
Be Equipped: (necessities such as tools or provisions.) Being equipped with the proper personal security and self defense tools whether it is a lethal, or non-lethal, or an alternative self defense tool, can greatly impact your personal security in a positive way. They are an important part of an overall self defense strategy.
Lethal: (Capable of causing death.) Just the definition of a lethal Personal Security and Self Defense tools causes some people to fear, with good reason. When you carry a lethal one there is a great responsibility that inherently comes with it.
A lethal tool can be a very effective choice with proper training and practice.
•Guns, particularly pistols are the most common lethal self defense device.
•They come in a variety of different calibers and sizes to fit each individuals needs.
•If you carry it for self defense; that would imply that you would be willing to use it, possible taking another humans life to save your own.
•You must insure that you get proper training, required permits, store it properly to avoid any accidents, and practice with it regularly.
Non-lethal: Many people choose non-lethal self defense tools for obvious reasons. A non-lethal self defense tools can give you the opportunity to flee from a dangerous situation.
•Pepper spray is a non-lethal non-toxic aerosol spray used for self defense. The active ingredient in pepper spray is a naturally occurring substance called Oleoresin Capsicum or "OC". Pepper spray comes in dispersal types: Fogger, Stream, and Foam. Pepper spray offers the most bang for the buck of all non-lethal security products.
•TASERS are non-lethal electroshock devices for self defense purposes only that disrupt the body's neuromuscular systems using electrical currents. They come in three different models; the C2 which is fashionable compact, the ML18 advanced TASER resembles a gun in shape and size, and the X26C that is gun shaped and offers many features.
Alternative: An alternative personal security tool is anything you can find wherever you are. They can be both lethal and non-lethal depending on the self defense tool used, placement and power of the strike on the offender. When it comes down to it you do what you have to in order to flee. Let me give you some examples of possible self defense tools in your car, home, or on your person. Because of liabilities I won't be explaining how to use these items; however the element of surprise is usually on your side with one of these self defense tools.
In the Car; ice scrapers, snow brushes, keys, sunglasses, a hard sun glass case, CD or CD case etc.
At Home; any aerosol can, a tooth brush, T.V remotes, drinking glasses, kitchen utensils, books, trash cans etc
On your person; would be your wallet, loose change, pen or pencil, cell phone, comb, umbrella etc.
This is by no means an exhaustive list when you consider almost anything can be used as an alternative self defense tools. The key to any alternative self defense tools is that they don't appear as self defense tools and give you the element of surprise. By holding correctly, striking with force in the right area they are effective.
In Summary, with any self defense personal security products you should follow the laws and regulations in your area, practice with it and realize the moral and legal responsibilities that you take upon yourself when you carry them. Though it is never guaranteed, these items can give you the upper hand and a chance to flee. In future articles, additional rules will help you maximize your personal security and safety. Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security,self defense, and preparedness is before something happens.
To find the products talked about in this article and a wealth of information check these links below.
For the quality personal security and self defense products visit [] Security to the 90th power!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Women's Self Defense Training - Be Engaged
Be Engaged (Committed, as to a cause.) When a situation presents itself, it is time to engage. I will talk about the first and best way to engage through assertive behavior. Assertive behavior gives the assailant or would be attacker, the knowledge that you aren't an easy target by using eye contact, a stalwart (firm and resolute) voice, proper posture, and hand placement.
Engaging your eye's
• When you feel something isn't right or see a suspicious person, let them know you know they are there and you are watching them intently without fear: even if you are afraid, don't show it. Let them know you don't want to be bothered or desire to speak with them. You don't want them to think you are a threat or challenging. That all sounds great, but how do you accomplish so much with just your eyes?
• Look at them with soft eyes, in other words as a whole. Never focus hard on any particular part of them, or look your assailant directly in the eyes. That can be seen as both threatening and challenging.
• The chest area is the most important place to keep your soft eyes. Why? It allows you to view their core body (chest, hips, arms and hands); by watching these parts you will be aware of any advances or imminent attacks.
• If the situation has already gone past the point of soft eyes; you will know because they will be sizing you up, threatening you, and even challenging you or in other words "Conducting the interview." (Conducting the interview is what each assailant does to size up a person; during this process they decide whether they should attack or not.) At this point your eyes go from a soft gaze to direct eye contact.
Engaging your stalwart voice
• You should never insult, threaten, aggravate, or challenge an aggressor.
• Ask them a question like: What do you want? A person whom isn't looking to victimize you will give you a normal answer. If they don't respond or give you an answer not to your liking, be prepared for an attack.
• Use a firm fearless voice to yell stop! Back off!
Engaging with proper posture and Hand Placement
• Keep your hands up at shoulder height; this gives you the appearance of submitting while having your hands in the perfect defensive posture to block or strike.
• Move your feet to a staggered position for better balance and to set yourself up to defend or strike.
• Never appear weak by slumping over. Instead, stand with good posture and keep your backstraight which gives you strength and power should you have to move.
In summary
This is by no means a thorough description of engaging, but a jumping off point to peak your interest and motivate you to train and learn self defense. Proper training and knowledge could be the difference between life and death. Not only will you gain peace of mind and self confidence you will find yourself having a completely new outlook on life. Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security and self defense is before something happens.
To find the products talked about in this article and a wealth of information check these links below.
For the quality personal security and self defense products visit []
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Women’s Self Defense Training the Be Series:
Rule #2: Be physically trained (participating in a self defense class/the act, process, of imparting knowledge and skill): Physical training gives you the tools to maintain your personal security and is the single best way to be prepared. Why should you train in self defense? What are the benefits of self defense training?
Why should you train in self defense?
• Preparation: With any crime, the best way to avoid it is to be prepared. Self defense training is defense preparation. Good self defense training can prepare you to deal with an assault, robbery, attempted rape, not to mention the everlasting emotional effects of an attack.
• Insurance: You purchase house, auto, fire, and even life insurance to protect you and your family. What do you do to insure you personal safety? Self defense training is the insurance you need for your personal security against being a victim of crime.
• Crime: Generation after generation, laws have been passed and law enforcement has increased in numbers and still hasn’t been able to eliminate crime. Crime is here to stay; you can’t change that; however you can reduce the risks of being a victim.
• Statistics: University studies show women who don’t fight back more often lose in an assault. In fact 73% of all women 12 years old and up will become victims, with a third being robbed, assaulted, or raped. Unfortunately just being born a woman puts you at risk for certain crimes.
• Self Reliance: In today’s world people often look the other way rather than getting involved; you can’t rely on someone coming to your rescue.
• Knowledge: Learn what to look for, know how to avoid those threatening situations, and take steps to learn best possible methods to defend yourself is key to survival and escape from your enemy. That knowledge can be the difference between life and death.
What are the benefits of self defense training?
• Building Self Confidence: Being self confident helps you in every aspect of life. It empowers you to take control and be a stronger person. For example, offenders look for timid and weak targets, then walking tall and with confidence increases the odds in your favor.
• Peace of mind: Peace of mind comes from knowing that you have the proper training to defend yourself should the time come for you to use that training for defense.
• Physical Fitness: Training improves your balance, strength, stamina, flexibility, and posture, increasing your overall health.
• Stress relief: Stress is one of the number one causes of illness; through physical and mental conditioning you reduce your stress levels. Exercise improves circulation and increases your oxygen delivery while reducing anxiety.
• Discipline: By learning self discipline, you improve self control and ability to perform under pressure.
In summary, I have stated many reasons why you should be physically trained, and what the benefits are. I hope you never find yourself in a situation where you will have to physically confront an assailant. However, if it’s unavoidable you will know how to handle it with proper training. For more self defense, safety, and personal security tips and products go to
Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security and self defense is before something happens.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Women Self Defense Training - Be Vigilant
Rule # 1: Be vigilant (on the alert, watchful): being vigilant may not be easy to master, but once you do, it becomes as normal as breathing. By being vigilant you are able to identify problem situations, locations, and suspicious people. Now let me unpack that for you.
Time of day
• According to the bureau of justice 53% of incidents of violent crime occurred during the day between 6a.m. and 6 p.m. and almost two-thirds of the rapes/sexual assaults occurred at night from 6 p.m. to 6a.m. From these statistics we learn that 24 hours a day offenders are prowling and at no time should you let down your vigilance.
• The bureau of justice reports that the location of about a 25% of incidents of violent crime was at or near the victim's home, about half occurring within a mile from home and 76% within five miles. Only 4% of victims of violent crime reported that the crime took place more than fifty miles from their home. Everyday life keeps most people with in thirty-fives miles of their home; these statistics tie right into the top three places woman are attacked and abducted.
• The number one place is your local grocer, number two is office parking garages and lots, and number three is public restrooms. Don't get the impression that those are the only locations to be watchful, you need to be alert at all times wherever you are.
Problem situations
• Problem situations occur anywhere and at any time do to your own actions. Identifying bad habits will help you avoid them. Pay attention to the list below. The suggestions can make a difference.
• Never walk alone: always walk in groups or with an escort to and from your office, car, restaurant, restroom, etc. Walking alone makes you a target for an offender.
• When parking your car don't park near large vehicles like vans that obstruct your surrounding views. Why? When you exit your car it is easy for an offender to pull you in and drive off without anybody noticing. Upon returning to your car if there is a large vehicle next to your take the appropriate precautions. For example walk down another isle so you can see clearly around your car before approaching it. At night try to park close to the entry door and under a light.
• When walking from your office, home or parking area to your car always, have keys in hand, take a moment to look around before continuing for things out of the ordinary, and resist the temptation of talking on the phone or anything else that may distract you. Walk confidently to your car get in close and lock the door before you doing anything else.
Suspicious people
• A suspicious person can be defined in two ways: the first is a person exhibiting questionable behavior; the second is a person in an area or doing something unusual or out of the norm. Suspicious behavior is something that doesn't feel right; you may have a weird sensation or see something isn't quite right, or out of place. A partial list of suspicious behavior follows:
- Individuals not dressed appropriately for the weather conditions. For example a long heavy coat when it's hot outside.
- Individuals hiding their face, unwilling to make eye contact, turn away acting interested in a sign, when being approached they depart rapidly.
- Individuals in an area they don't belong or carrying items that don't fit what they are doing.
- Individuals hiding in shadows or behind objects so they won't be identifiable.
- An unfamiliar individual loitering in an environment they shouldn't be in. For example; parking lots, buildings, schools and play grounds.
What you do if you see a suspicious person
• Contact the police: When contacting the police for suspicious persons provide as much information as possible. For example; Location, what direction they were headed, car license, make, model and color, ethnicity, physical description, age weight, height, hair color and length, eye color, clothing or any distinguishing marks.
To find the products talked about in this article and a wealth of information check these links below. For the quality personal security and self defense products visit [].
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Clearing the Clutter from your Home:
Is it difficult to find room in your home? Do you need more space? In this article I will be giving you some guidance for removing old items, creating that much needed space. For the serious Prepper it is an inescapable need, and if you’re not a Prepper you will find this information valuable.
The time has come to start making room. If you are a Prepper you know why it is necessary; storing enough food for a year takes space, and a lot of it!
Create a list of all areas of your home inside and outside that you need to purge; take that list and put together a plan and methodically move through it. Call a family meeting; make each person be accountable to one another assuring the plan goes into effect. It‘s really easy to talk yourself into hanging on to stuff and the excuses you will find are amazing.
Start by removing none essential and unused items that have no purpose other than collecting dust or those maybe someday I will use it. Let’s get going!
1. Cloths, well really anything you wear (boots, shoes, and coats) if you haven’t worn them in a year, they need to go. The exception is specialty gear like hunting gear, winter gear, hand me downs, etc. Let me qualify this; those 10 sweaters you might wear again if they come back in style, doesn’t count as winter gear! They need to go!
2. Any old appliances, vacuums, anything from hobbies you no longer partake of like golf bags, skis, tennis rackets, etc. need to go!
3. The DVD collections; if you are like me, you have an enormous DVD collection you will never watch; however you hold on to them because you may want to at some point in the future; don’t get me started on VHS. Do you even own a VHS player? Again they need to go! Are you starting to see the pattern here?
4. Books and magazines sometimes are difficult to let go of. Keeping books that directly pertain to you like your work, educational or classics are fine; however you need to sort through them keeping the ones you can’t live without and discard the rest. Your collection of national Geographic magazines from the last 4 decades that you haven’t looked at in years let alone thought of need to go!
5. What do you do with all the stuff? Sell it on Ebay, Craigslist, garage sales, flea markets; everyone can use extra money. Donate the items that don’t sale to Good Will, Retarded Children’s Fund, Epilepsy Foundation, KK Cares, any charity.
There are a multitude of items that I haven’t mentioned; that’s not a pass to keep them. Now you have basic ideas to help you tackle this task of clearing the clutter. You need to make it happen believe me the benefits outweigh the difficulty. This isn’t something you accomplished overnight; it will take time; just keep moving forward, you will make it, and be better for it! Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self-defense, and preparedness is before something happens.
To find preparedness products and a wealth of information check these link below.
For quality personal security, self defense, and preparedness products visit
Is it difficult to find room in your home? Do you need more space? In this article I will be giving you some guidance for removing old items, creating that much needed space. For the serious Prepper it is an inescapable need, and if you’re not a Prepper you will find this information valuable.
The time has come to start making room. If you are a Prepper you know why it is necessary; storing enough food for a year takes space, and a lot of it!
Create a list of all areas of your home inside and outside that you need to purge; take that list and put together a plan and methodically move through it. Call a family meeting; make each person be accountable to one another assuring the plan goes into effect. It‘s really easy to talk yourself into hanging on to stuff and the excuses you will find are amazing.
Start by removing none essential and unused items that have no purpose other than collecting dust or those maybe someday I will use it. Let’s get going!
1. Cloths, well really anything you wear (boots, shoes, and coats) if you haven’t worn them in a year, they need to go. The exception is specialty gear like hunting gear, winter gear, hand me downs, etc. Let me qualify this; those 10 sweaters you might wear again if they come back in style, doesn’t count as winter gear! They need to go!
2. Any old appliances, vacuums, anything from hobbies you no longer partake of like golf bags, skis, tennis rackets, etc. need to go!
3. The DVD collections; if you are like me, you have an enormous DVD collection you will never watch; however you hold on to them because you may want to at some point in the future; don’t get me started on VHS. Do you even own a VHS player? Again they need to go! Are you starting to see the pattern here?
4. Books and magazines sometimes are difficult to let go of. Keeping books that directly pertain to you like your work, educational or classics are fine; however you need to sort through them keeping the ones you can’t live without and discard the rest. Your collection of national Geographic magazines from the last 4 decades that you haven’t looked at in years let alone thought of need to go!
5. What do you do with all the stuff? Sell it on Ebay, Craigslist, garage sales, flea markets; everyone can use extra money. Donate the items that don’t sale to Good Will, Retarded Children’s Fund, Epilepsy Foundation, KK Cares, any charity.
There are a multitude of items that I haven’t mentioned; that’s not a pass to keep them. Now you have basic ideas to help you tackle this task of clearing the clutter. You need to make it happen believe me the benefits outweigh the difficulty. This isn’t something you accomplished overnight; it will take time; just keep moving forward, you will make it, and be better for it! Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self-defense, and preparedness is before something happens.
To find preparedness products and a wealth of information check these link below.
For quality personal security, self defense, and preparedness products visit
Monday, June 17, 2013
How to Protect Your Vehicle and Your Property
On Friday morning June 7, while shopping in town, I noticed at least seven people get out of their vehicles and not lock their doors. I also counted three vehicles with their motors running and doors open. For some reason some folks just do not think anything can happen to them. Well folks, did you know that the same type crimes occurring in other parts of the country are also occurring in your community. As a matter of fact, small towns as well as the big cities experience many petty theft crimes not to mention many major crimes. Most of these petty crimes are crimes of opportunity and most are completely preventable. Still don’t believe me, well did you know that every 33 seconds a vehicle is stolen in the United States, and that more than a million cars are stolen a year. Of that over 40% of all vehicles stolen have their keys in the ignition and over 80% were unlocked, and that most are stolen by young opportunists.
To keep you from becoming a statistic:
Always lock all doors, and don’t leave your vehicle running.
Roll windows up tight.
Install tamper proof door lock buttons.
Don’t leave any valuables in plain sight; put them under a jacket, behind the seat or in the trunk.
Don’t hide spare keys, so they can be found, use your imagination when hiding your key?
Gun enthusiasts and hunters should remember that guns and other equipment are easy to sell. So lock that truck up and put those weapons in the truck or behind the seat or at least put your jacket or a blanket over your gear.
Remember these are crimes of opportunity. So don’t give someone the opportunity!
Friday, June 14, 2013
Fire Safety Planning
This week we will discuss Fire Safety Planning, Smoke Alarms, and what you can do to protect your family from fire danger.
How Do I Install My Smoke Alarms
If you can use a screw driver and operate a drill, you can install a battery operated smoke alarm. If you intend to purchase a household current smoke alarm system they should be installed by a licensed electrician. This type can be wired so if there is a fire elsewhere in the house it will trigger all alarms. This type of design will give you the most warning in case of a fire. Since smoke rises, mount alarms high on wall or on the ceiling. For effective operation smoke alarms should be located away from corners. Don’t install a smoke alarm too near a window, door, or forced-air register where drafts could interfere with the unit’s operation. On a normal flat ceiling install the smoke alarm a minimum of 6 inches from the nearest wall. On the wall, locate the top of the alarm between 6 inches and 12 inches from the ceiling. In rooms with high pitched ceilings, mount the alarm at or near the ceiling near the high point. Take a look around your home and make sure you have installed your current alarms properly.
How many do I need?
Install a smoke alarm outside each sleeping area, and on each level of the home. In a single level home, one alarm may be sufficient if all the bedrooms connect to a common passageway. If sleeping areas are separated one should be installed for each area. If occupants sleep with bedroom doors closed, install a smoke alarm in each bedroom. In all cases, be sure everyone sleeping in your home can hear all smoke alarms.
Smoke alarms are not recommended for kitchen, bathrooms or garages, where cooking fumes, steam or exhaust could set off false alarms.
Remember best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense, and preparedness is before something happens.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Fire Safety Planning
This week we will discuss Fire Safety Planning, Smoke Alarms, and what you can do to protect your family from fire danger.
Installing Smoke Alarms:
According to USFA having working smoke alarms installed on every level of your home dramatically increases the chance of you and your family’s fire survival. Smoke alarm batteries need to be tested each month and replaced once a year. Also, consider replacing the entire alarm every ten years, or as the manufacturer’s guidelines recommend. Since most fatal home fires occur at night when people are asleep, it stands to reason smoke alarms must be placed where they can do the most good.
What Types Of Smoke Alarms Are Available?
There are two common smoke alarm types. Let’s look and see how they work, and the pros and cons of each type:
This type of sensor is generally more effective in detecting fast burning fires with the potential to spread quickly.
Now Do They Work:
Ionization detectors use a small amount of radioactive material to make the air within a sensing chamber conduct electricity. Smoke particles smaller than the eye can see, will enter the detector chamber and trigger the alarm. The greatest numbers of these small particles are produced by a flaming fire. This results in the ionization detector responding to open flaming fires better than slow smoldering fires.
This type of sensor is generally more effective in detecting slows moldering fires.
Now Do They Work:
Photoelectric detectors use a small light source which shines its light into a dark chamber not normally exposed to light. This chamber contains a photocell to detect light. When smoke particles enter the sensing chamber, light is reflected off of them and into the sensing chamber. This change causes the alarm to trigger. This method needs larger smoke particles than ionization detectors which is usually formed from smoldering fires. Fires such as slow burning or smoldering foam filled upholstery, overhead wiring etc. are typical of these type of fires.
Which Kind Should I Use?
As you can see both of these systems offer their own range of fire protection, one for fast burning fires and other for slow smoldering fires. Both of which will kill you. Based on this overlap many smoke alarm companies are now offering smoke alarms systems that test for both Photoelectric and Ionization. This is one to look for, and it is now being sold everywhere. Find out what type of system you have and make the necessary changes now. They only cost about $10 to $15, your life or the life of your child is worth much more.
Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense, and preparedness is before something happens.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Fire Safety Planning
This week we will discuss Fire Safety Planning, Smoke Alarms, and what you can do to protect your family from fire danger.
Immediately Leave The Home:
When a fire does occur, do not waste time saving property. Take the safest route, but if you must escape through smoke, remember to crawl low under the smoke and keep your mouth covered. The smoke contains toxic gases which can disorient you or, at worst, overcome you.
Never Open Doors That Are Hot To The Touch:
When you come to a door that is closed, use the back of your hand feel the top of the door, the door knob, and the crack between the door and door frame to make sure that fire is not on the other side. If it feels hot, use your secondary escape route. Do not open that door. Even if the door is cool, open it carefully. Brace your shoulder against the door and open it slowly. If heat or smoke comes in, slam the door and make sure it is securely closed, and then use your alternate route.
Designate A Meeting Place Outside And Take Attendance:
Designate a meeting place away from the home.. For example, meet under a specific tree or at the end of the driveway or front sidewalk to make sure everyone has gotten our safely and no one will be hurt looking for someone who is already safe. Designate a person to go to a neighbor’s home to phone the fire department.
Remember Once Out, Stay Out:
Remember to escape first, and then notify the fire department using the 911 system. Never go back into a burning building for any reason. Teach your children not to hide from firefighters. If someone is missing, tell the firefighters. They are equipped to perform rescues you are not.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Fire Safety Planning
This week we will discuss Fire Safety Planning, Smoke Alarms, and what you can do to protect your family from fire danger.
According to the United States Fire Administration, (USFA) each year more than 5,000 Americans die in fires, and more than 25,000 are injured. USFA believes that having a sound escape plan will protect you and your family if fire occurs. Let’s look at some basic elements you can do for yourself and discuss with your family:
Develop A Sound Fire Escape Plan:
In the event of a fire, remember that time is your biggest enemy and every second counts. In less than 30 seconds a small flame can get completely out of control and turn into a major fire. It only takes minutes for a house to fill with thick black smoke and become engulfed in flames.
Practice Escaping From Every Room In The Home:
The best escape plans will always have two ways to get out of each room in your home. If the primary way is blocked by fire or smoke, you will need a second way out. A secondary route might be a window onto an adjacent roof or using an Underwriter’s Laboratory (UL) approved collapsible ladder for escape from upper story windows. Make sure these windows are not painted shut or stuck, and screens can be taken out quickly and that security bars can be properly opened. You should also practice feeling your way out of the house in the dark or with your eyes closed. This may seem silly in the daytime, but may save your life one dark night. Remember the key is to “have a working plan and practice your fire escape plan with your family members”.
Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense, and preparedness is before something happens.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Safeguarding Homes from Arson
Arson robs communities of its valuable assets — lives and property. It destroys more than buildings: arson can devastate a community resulting in the decline of the neighborhood through increased insurance premiums, loss of business revenue and a decrease in property values. Every year more than 25,000 intentionally set fires in homes result in an estimated 300 deaths, 700 injuries and $500 million in direct property damage. The average dollar loss for an intentionally set fire in a residential building is $21,320. The fatality rate for intentionally set residential fires is more than twice that of other residential building fires.
The fire service can help communities thwart the occurrence of arson and reduce its devastating effect by making residents aware of these measures to safeguard their homes.
Illuminate Exterior and Entrances
Install lights covering all sides of the house. Motion-activated lighting, which is inexpensive, should be placed near the entrances. Interior lights on timers give the illusion a residence is occupied.
Install Burglar and Fire Alarm Systems
Alarm devices can be inexpensively wired to transmit an alarm to the police or fire department. Check the cost of contracting with a security firm for response to alarms.
Trim or Remove Shrubbery That Obstructs the View of the House from the Street
Make sure that nothing blocks the view of the house. During the growing season, bushes and trees may need to be trimmed frequently.
Keep Doors and Windows Locked and Bolted
All external doors should be equipped with dead bolts. A simple locked door could be the deterrent that saves a house from arson. The hardware used to lock windows can sometimes be easily forced open with a credit card or other tool. The best type of window hardware has spring-loaded bolts that insert through the window frame into the wall frame.
Clean House
Oftentimes, arson is a crime of opportunity. Remove excess vegetation and piles of leaves. Clean around your house and garage, removing unused and unneeded paper, trash, cleaning supplies, partial cans of paint and other materials that could become kindling and fuel a fire for an arsonist.
Equip Homes with Smoke Alarms and a Fire Sprinkler System
The combination of working smoke alarms and home fire sprinklers reduces the likelihood of death from fire by more than 82 percent. The most effective fire loss prevention and reduction measure for both life and property is the installation and maintenance of fire sprinklers.
Establish a Community Arson Watch Program
Learn about the five required steps to establish a Community Arson Watch program. Form a neighborhood program, and publicize your community’s efforts. Arsonists seldom strike when you are ready for them.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Tidbits on Thomas Jefferson
Today I am sharing tidbits on Thomas Jefferson. He is an inspirational figure to me.
Thomas Jefferson was a very remarkable man who started learning very early in life and never stopped.
At 5, began studying under his cousin's tutor.
At 9, studied Latin, Greek and French.
At 14, studied classical literature and additional languages.
At 16, entered the College of William and Mary.
At 19, studied Law for 5 years starting under George Wythe.
At 23, started his own law practice.
At 25, was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses.
At 31, wrote the widely circulated "Summary View of the Rights of British America ? And retired from his law practice.
At 32, was a Delegate to the Second Continental Congress.
At 33, wrote the Declaration of Independence .
At 33, took three years to revise Virginia 's legal code and wrote a Public Education bill and a statute for Religious Freedom.
At 36, was elected the second Governor of Virginia succeeding Patrick Henry.
At 40, served in Congress for two years.
At 41, was the American minister to France and negotiated commercial treaties with European nations along with Ben Franklin and John Adams.
At 46, served as the first Secretary of State under George Washington.
At 53, served as Vice President and was elected president of the American Philosophical Society.
At 55, drafted the Kentucky Resolutions and became the active head of Republican Party.
At 57, was elected the third president of the United States .
At 60, obtained the Louisiana Purchase doubling the nation's size.
At 61, was elected to a second term as President.
At 65, retired to Monticello .
At 80, helped President Monroe shape the Monroe Doctrine.
At 81, almost single-handedly created the University of Virginia and served as its first president.
At 83, died on the 50th anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence along with John Adams.
Thomas Jefferson knew because he himself studied the previous failed attempts at government. He understood actual history, the nature of God, his laws and the nature of man. That happens to be way more than what most understand today. Jefferson really knew his stuff. A voice from the past to lead us in the future:
John F. Kennedy held a dinner in the white House for a group of the brightest minds in the nation at that time. He made this statement: "This is perhaps the assembly of the most intelligence ever to gather at one time in the White House with the exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone."
"When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe ."
-- Thomas Jefferson
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
-- Thomas Jefferson
"It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world."
-- Thomas Jefferson
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
-- Thomas Jefferson
"My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government."
-- Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson was a very remarkable man who started learning very early in life and never stopped.
At 5, began studying under his cousin's tutor.
At 9, studied Latin, Greek and French.
At 14, studied classical literature and additional languages.
At 16, entered the College of William and Mary.
At 19, studied Law for 5 years starting under George Wythe.
At 23, started his own law practice.
At 25, was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses.
At 31, wrote the widely circulated "Summary View of the Rights of British America ? And retired from his law practice.
At 32, was a Delegate to the Second Continental Congress.
At 33, wrote the Declaration of Independence .
At 33, took three years to revise Virginia 's legal code and wrote a Public Education bill and a statute for Religious Freedom.
At 36, was elected the second Governor of Virginia succeeding Patrick Henry.
At 40, served in Congress for two years.
At 41, was the American minister to France and negotiated commercial treaties with European nations along with Ben Franklin and John Adams.
At 46, served as the first Secretary of State under George Washington.
At 53, served as Vice President and was elected president of the American Philosophical Society.
At 55, drafted the Kentucky Resolutions and became the active head of Republican Party.
At 57, was elected the third president of the United States .
At 60, obtained the Louisiana Purchase doubling the nation's size.
At 61, was elected to a second term as President.
At 65, retired to Monticello .
At 80, helped President Monroe shape the Monroe Doctrine.
At 81, almost single-handedly created the University of Virginia and served as its first president.
At 83, died on the 50th anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence along with John Adams.
Thomas Jefferson knew because he himself studied the previous failed attempts at government. He understood actual history, the nature of God, his laws and the nature of man. That happens to be way more than what most understand today. Jefferson really knew his stuff. A voice from the past to lead us in the future:
John F. Kennedy held a dinner in the white House for a group of the brightest minds in the nation at that time. He made this statement: "This is perhaps the assembly of the most intelligence ever to gather at one time in the White House with the exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone."
"When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe ."
-- Thomas Jefferson
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
-- Thomas Jefferson
"It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world."
-- Thomas Jefferson
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
-- Thomas Jefferson
"My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government."
-- Thomas Jefferson
Monday, June 3, 2013
Travel Tips – Can You Fly Without an ID?
Did the gnome that steals your socks and car keys run off with your ID? Did your license expire and you don’t have time to renew it before you travel? Did you lose your wallet? Did you simply forget your ID at home? While it is much easier to go through screening with the proper identification, you’re not going to cause a snafu if you don’t have it.
If you’re 17 or younger, no problem… you don’t need ID to travel. If you’re 18 or older, no worries… you can still travel.
How so? Simply approach the travel document checker and let them know that you don’t have your ID. At this point, you will be asked a simple randomly computer generated question such as: “What is the average annual rainfall in the Amazon basin?”
Seriously though… You’ll be able to fly as long as you provide us with some information that will help us determine you are who you say you are.
If you’re willing to provide some additional information, we have other means of substantiating your identity, such as using publicly available databases. If we can confirm your identity, you’ll be cleared to go through security, and you may or may not have to go through some additional screening.
If we can’t confirm your identity with the information you provide or you’re not willing to provide us with the information to help us make a determination, you may not be able to fly. Regardless, if you do not have ID, please allow extra time for check in. We would not want you to miss you flight.
If you’re 17 or younger, no problem… you don’t need ID to travel. If you’re 18 or older, no worries… you can still travel.
How so? Simply approach the travel document checker and let them know that you don’t have your ID. At this point, you will be asked a simple randomly computer generated question such as: “What is the average annual rainfall in the Amazon basin?”
Seriously though… You’ll be able to fly as long as you provide us with some information that will help us determine you are who you say you are.
If you’re willing to provide some additional information, we have other means of substantiating your identity, such as using publicly available databases. If we can confirm your identity, you’ll be cleared to go through security, and you may or may not have to go through some additional screening.
If we can’t confirm your identity with the information you provide or you’re not willing to provide us with the information to help us make a determination, you may not be able to fly. Regardless, if you do not have ID, please allow extra time for check in. We would not want you to miss you flight.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Travel Tips for Traveling with Children
TSA is required to screen everyone, regardless of age, in order to ensure the security of all travelers. Many Transportation Security Officers are parents themselves and understand travelers’ concern for their children. Security officers will approach children gently and treat them with respect. If a child becomes uncomfortable or upset, security officers will consult parents about the best way to relieve the child's concern.
Screening procedures for passengers 12 and under include:
• Allowing children 12 and under to leave their shoes on.
• Allowing multiple passes through the walk through metal detector and advanced imaging technology to clear any alarms on children.
• Using explosives trace detection technology on a wider basis to resolve alarms on children.
The Screening Process
General Screening Information
• Children 12 and under can leave their shoes on during screening.
• TSA will not ask travelers to do anything that will separate them from their child.
• Passengers cannot leave babies in an infant carrier and attempt to put it through the X-ray machine. Babies should be carried through a walk through metal detector by a parent or guardian.
• All carry-on baggage, including children's toys, bags and items, will be screened. Please let your child know that their blanket, favorite stuffed animal or toy will have to go through the X-ray machine and then will be returned to them.
• All child-related equipment that can fit through the X-ray machine should go through the X-ray machine. Examples include: strollers, umbrella-strollers, baby carriers, car and booster seats, backpacks, and baby slings.
• If possible, please collapse or fold strollers and any other child-related equipment while in the queue. Please put any items in the stroller pockets or baskets, in a carry-on bag or in the bin X-ray belt for inspection. Plastic bins are provided to deposit such items.
• If any equipment will not fit through the X-ray machine, security officers will visually and physically inspect it.
• Ask a security officer for help gathering bags and equipment, if needed.
The Walk-Through Metal Detector
Children who can walk without assistance should walk through the metal detector separately from their parent or guardian. If they alarm, TSA has procedures in place that have reduced, but will not eliminate, the need for pat downs to resolve the alarm, including multiple passes through screening technologies and other procedures.
Infants and small children may be carried through the metal detector, but if the alarm sounds, the officer will have to conduct additional screening on both the passenger and the child. If a baby is carried through the metal detector in a sling, additional screening may be required even if there isn’t an alarm.
Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT)
TSA uses advanced imaging technology (AIT) to safely screen passengers for metallic and non-metallic threats. Any passenger capable of assuming and staying in the required position for 5 seconds is eligible for AIT screening. If a child 12 and under goes through AIT and alarms, they will have an opportunity to go through the technology again or the Security Officer may use other procedures to resolve the alarm to reduce the need for a pat down.
Parents carrying infants or children cannot be screened by the imaging technology. In addition, parents accompanying children may opt out of being screened by imaging technology to prevent them from being separated from their family.
Traveling With Baby Formula, Breast Milk, And Other Liquids For Infants And Small Children
In September 2006, TSA enacted rules for carrying liquids, gels and aerosols in carry-on bags. All liquids, gels and aerosols must be in 3.4 ounce (100ml) or smaller containers, and packed in a one quart, zip-top bag. Each passenger can take one zip-top bag in their carry-on. Larger quantities of liquids may be packed in checked bags.
Medically necessary liquids and gels, including medications, baby formula and food, breast milk, and juice are exempt from the 3-1-1 rules, and are allowed in reasonable quantities exceeding 3.4 ounces (100ml). They are not required to be in a zip-top bag. Officers may ask travelers to open these items to conduct additional screening and passengers should declare them for inspection at the checkpoint.
Please be advised that passengers going on long trips should only carry on the medically necessary liquids and gels needed for their infant/toddler’s immediate comfort during the flight. Please pack larger amounts of liquids for the remainder of the trip in a checked bag.
Lastly, avoid any additional hassles by making sure nothing you plan to pack is on TSA’s list of prohibited items.
Children With Medical Conditions, Mobility Aids Or Disabilities
Whether your child has a disability or medical condition or because of injury or disability will be traveling through the checkpoint in a wheelchair, please read the following information and share it with children traveling with you so you are prepared and understand the process. The more you and your child are informed about the screening process, the less stressful it can be.
• Please inform the Transportation Security Officer if the child has a disability, medical condition or medical devices, and if you think the child may become upset during the screening process as a result. You can offer suggestions on how to best accomplish the screening process to minimize any confusion for the child.
• Please tell the Security Officer what the child's abilities are. For example: whether the child can walk through the metal detector or can they be carried through the metal detector by the parent/guardian.
• At no time should the Security Officer remove your child from his/her mobility aid (wheelchair or scooter). You are responsible for removing your child from his/her equipment, at your discretion, to accomplish screening.
• If your child is unable to walk or stand, the Security Officer will use alternate measures to screen your child while he/she remains in their mobility aid, that may include a visual and physical inspection of their equipment.
• If you’re traveling alone, please ask a Security Officer for assistance in putting your and the child’s carry-on items on the X-ray belt.
Screening procedures for passengers 12 and under include:
• Allowing children 12 and under to leave their shoes on.
• Allowing multiple passes through the walk through metal detector and advanced imaging technology to clear any alarms on children.
• Using explosives trace detection technology on a wider basis to resolve alarms on children.
The Screening Process
General Screening Information
• Children 12 and under can leave their shoes on during screening.
• TSA will not ask travelers to do anything that will separate them from their child.
• Passengers cannot leave babies in an infant carrier and attempt to put it through the X-ray machine. Babies should be carried through a walk through metal detector by a parent or guardian.
• All carry-on baggage, including children's toys, bags and items, will be screened. Please let your child know that their blanket, favorite stuffed animal or toy will have to go through the X-ray machine and then will be returned to them.
• All child-related equipment that can fit through the X-ray machine should go through the X-ray machine. Examples include: strollers, umbrella-strollers, baby carriers, car and booster seats, backpacks, and baby slings.
• If possible, please collapse or fold strollers and any other child-related equipment while in the queue. Please put any items in the stroller pockets or baskets, in a carry-on bag or in the bin X-ray belt for inspection. Plastic bins are provided to deposit such items.
• If any equipment will not fit through the X-ray machine, security officers will visually and physically inspect it.
• Ask a security officer for help gathering bags and equipment, if needed.
The Walk-Through Metal Detector
Children who can walk without assistance should walk through the metal detector separately from their parent or guardian. If they alarm, TSA has procedures in place that have reduced, but will not eliminate, the need for pat downs to resolve the alarm, including multiple passes through screening technologies and other procedures.
Infants and small children may be carried through the metal detector, but if the alarm sounds, the officer will have to conduct additional screening on both the passenger and the child. If a baby is carried through the metal detector in a sling, additional screening may be required even if there isn’t an alarm.
Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT)
TSA uses advanced imaging technology (AIT) to safely screen passengers for metallic and non-metallic threats. Any passenger capable of assuming and staying in the required position for 5 seconds is eligible for AIT screening. If a child 12 and under goes through AIT and alarms, they will have an opportunity to go through the technology again or the Security Officer may use other procedures to resolve the alarm to reduce the need for a pat down.
Parents carrying infants or children cannot be screened by the imaging technology. In addition, parents accompanying children may opt out of being screened by imaging technology to prevent them from being separated from their family.
Traveling With Baby Formula, Breast Milk, And Other Liquids For Infants And Small Children
In September 2006, TSA enacted rules for carrying liquids, gels and aerosols in carry-on bags. All liquids, gels and aerosols must be in 3.4 ounce (100ml) or smaller containers, and packed in a one quart, zip-top bag. Each passenger can take one zip-top bag in their carry-on. Larger quantities of liquids may be packed in checked bags.
Medically necessary liquids and gels, including medications, baby formula and food, breast milk, and juice are exempt from the 3-1-1 rules, and are allowed in reasonable quantities exceeding 3.4 ounces (100ml). They are not required to be in a zip-top bag. Officers may ask travelers to open these items to conduct additional screening and passengers should declare them for inspection at the checkpoint.
Please be advised that passengers going on long trips should only carry on the medically necessary liquids and gels needed for their infant/toddler’s immediate comfort during the flight. Please pack larger amounts of liquids for the remainder of the trip in a checked bag.
Lastly, avoid any additional hassles by making sure nothing you plan to pack is on TSA’s list of prohibited items.
Children With Medical Conditions, Mobility Aids Or Disabilities
Whether your child has a disability or medical condition or because of injury or disability will be traveling through the checkpoint in a wheelchair, please read the following information and share it with children traveling with you so you are prepared and understand the process. The more you and your child are informed about the screening process, the less stressful it can be.
• Please inform the Transportation Security Officer if the child has a disability, medical condition or medical devices, and if you think the child may become upset during the screening process as a result. You can offer suggestions on how to best accomplish the screening process to minimize any confusion for the child.
• Please tell the Security Officer what the child's abilities are. For example: whether the child can walk through the metal detector or can they be carried through the metal detector by the parent/guardian.
• At no time should the Security Officer remove your child from his/her mobility aid (wheelchair or scooter). You are responsible for removing your child from his/her equipment, at your discretion, to accomplish screening.
• If your child is unable to walk or stand, the Security Officer will use alternate measures to screen your child while he/she remains in their mobility aid, that may include a visual and physical inspection of their equipment.
• If you’re traveling alone, please ask a Security Officer for assistance in putting your and the child’s carry-on items on the X-ray belt.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Travel Tips for Campers and Fishers
We are well into the spring travel period where avid campers are dusting off their gear. You either like to rough it like Bear Grylls, or you go to your local sporting goods store and max out your plastic on all the latest camping gear. Either way, if you’re flying commercial to your camping destination, this post is for you!
Here’s a list of common camping and fishing related items that you can and can’t bring on a plane:
Insect Repellents – They are permitted in your carry-on bags and checked baggage. The liquid limits apply when carrying these in your carry-on bags.
Animal Repellents - You can bring chemical repellents in your checked luggage if the volume is less than four ounces and less than 2% active ingredient of either CS or CN. Most bear repellents exceed these limitations. We suggest that you buy these items once you arrive at your destination and leave them behind when your trip is over.
Insecticides – Ant killers, cockroach killers, spider killers, etc., are prohibited from both carry-on and checked baggage.
Camp Stoves – These can go in either your carry-on or checked bag. If you have a liquid-fuel stove, be sure to empty the fuel. There can also be no fumes emitting from the stove. The same goes with propane stoves. Propane tanks are prohibited from both checked and carry-on bags. Empty propane or gas cylinders are allowed in checked or carry-on bags as long as our officers can see inside.
Flare Guns – These are allowed in your checked baggage, but they have to be stored and declared just like a firearm. The flares are a no go.
Fishing Rods/Poles/Tackle - TSA allows fishing poles, but if you’re taking them as a carry-on, you might want to give your airline a call and see if the pole exceeds their carry-on limits. Tackle is OK as a carry-on, but be sure that you don’t have any knives or large deep sea fishing hooks. Also, tools can’t be larger than seven inches.
Spear Guns - These can’t go in the cabin, but you can check them in the belly of the plane.
Bows and Arrows - These items should be packed in checked luggage. Any sharp objects packed in checked luggage should be sheathed or securely wrapped to prevent injury to baggage handlers and security screeners.
Guns & Ammo - Allowed to be checked in the belly of the plane as long as you follow the guidelines outlined here: Traveling with Firearms and Ammunition.
Safety Matches - Permitted in your carry-on luggage one pack per passenger per FAA safety regulations. Strike anywhere matches are not ever permitted.
Lighters are permitted in your carry-on. Torch lighters are still prohibited.
Hatchets & Knives - These are permitted in your checked baggage, but not in your carry-on.
If you’re planning on participating and camping out at a renaissance festival this summer, we ask that you kindly not carry your crossbow, battle hammer, or mace through the checkpoint. Believe it or not, we have intercepted items similar to these and many other unusual items.
Here’s a list of common camping and fishing related items that you can and can’t bring on a plane:
Insect Repellents – They are permitted in your carry-on bags and checked baggage. The liquid limits apply when carrying these in your carry-on bags.
Animal Repellents - You can bring chemical repellents in your checked luggage if the volume is less than four ounces and less than 2% active ingredient of either CS or CN. Most bear repellents exceed these limitations. We suggest that you buy these items once you arrive at your destination and leave them behind when your trip is over.
Insecticides – Ant killers, cockroach killers, spider killers, etc., are prohibited from both carry-on and checked baggage.
Camp Stoves – These can go in either your carry-on or checked bag. If you have a liquid-fuel stove, be sure to empty the fuel. There can also be no fumes emitting from the stove. The same goes with propane stoves. Propane tanks are prohibited from both checked and carry-on bags. Empty propane or gas cylinders are allowed in checked or carry-on bags as long as our officers can see inside.
Flare Guns – These are allowed in your checked baggage, but they have to be stored and declared just like a firearm. The flares are a no go.
Fishing Rods/Poles/Tackle - TSA allows fishing poles, but if you’re taking them as a carry-on, you might want to give your airline a call and see if the pole exceeds their carry-on limits. Tackle is OK as a carry-on, but be sure that you don’t have any knives or large deep sea fishing hooks. Also, tools can’t be larger than seven inches.
Spear Guns - These can’t go in the cabin, but you can check them in the belly of the plane.
Bows and Arrows - These items should be packed in checked luggage. Any sharp objects packed in checked luggage should be sheathed or securely wrapped to prevent injury to baggage handlers and security screeners.
Guns & Ammo - Allowed to be checked in the belly of the plane as long as you follow the guidelines outlined here: Traveling with Firearms and Ammunition.
Safety Matches - Permitted in your carry-on luggage one pack per passenger per FAA safety regulations. Strike anywhere matches are not ever permitted.
Lighters are permitted in your carry-on. Torch lighters are still prohibited.
Hatchets & Knives - These are permitted in your checked baggage, but not in your carry-on.
If you’re planning on participating and camping out at a renaissance festival this summer, we ask that you kindly not carry your crossbow, battle hammer, or mace through the checkpoint. Believe it or not, we have intercepted items similar to these and many other unusual items.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Travel Tips for the Military
• If you’re checking a duffle bag, put all of your clothing and lighter items at the bottom of the bag, and place your boots, helmet, books, and other larger more dense items at the top. This makes it easier for us to neatly repack your bag if we have to search it.
• If you wish to lock your checked baggage, use a TSA-recognized lock, otherwise the lock could be cut.
• If you or your unit is traveling with weapons, please go here for more information.
• If it looks like a bomb, grenade, land mine, etc., don’t pack it. Even if it’s not the real deal, it will slow the screening process to a grinding halt while we’re figuring that out.
Military Family Member Gate Passes - Family members who want to accompany a military service member being deployed to the boarding gate or greet them returning from deployment at the arrival gate may receive passes to enter the secure area of the airport. Interested military family members should contact their air carrier representative at the departure/arrival airport for proper local procedures. Remember, the family members will have to be screened through the TSA checkpoint just as if they were flying.
Assistance for America's Veterans: Disabled, Injured and Wounded Warriors - TSA wants to facilitate the screening of injured and wounded service members and veterans including individuals associated with a Wounded Warrior program. Once flight arrangements are made with the airline, the injured service member or veteran, family member, or other representative can contact the TSA Cares helpline with details of the itinerary.
• Toll-free telephone number 1-855-787-2227 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. (Eastern time) and weekends and holidays 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Eastern time)
• E-mail
TSA Pre✓™ for Active Duty Military - As part of our intelligence-driven, risk-based approach to security,TSA now offers TSA Pre✓™ expedited screening benefits to active duty service members at select airports. Click here for more info.
Factoid - Did you know that 25 percent of TSA employees are prior military? Some are even still serving in the reserves and guard. We have the greatest respect for our men and women serving in the military and strive to screen them with the dignity they deserve.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Travel Tips Jewelry
Spring and Summer is vacation time for most people so this week I will be going over travel tips for air travel.
Some passengers come through T.S.A. checkpoints wearing a simple piece of jewelry, and others are all blinged out like the A Team's Mr. T.
So what’s the scoop? Should you remove jewelry or keep it on to go through security? The answer, in most cases is that you can keep it on, but there are a few different choices that you can make based on what kind of jewelry it is.
Here’s my advice:
• Unless it’s a really bulky piece of jewelry, keep your jewelry on. Chances are, it won’t alarm and if it does, you can let our officer inspect it with you there. It really doesn’t take long to inspect, unless you are blinged out like the aforementioned Mr. T.
• If you choose to remove your jewelry and it’s expensive or has sentimental value, take it off and put it in your carry-on bag. Bowls have been known to tip over on conveyor belts, seemingly sending small jewelry into another dimension where it is never seen again.
• If you’re wearing inexpensive jewelry and you don’t mind placing it in a bin or bowl, go for it.
In the event that an officer informs you that your jewelry might be the culprit as to why you alarmed a walk through metal detector or the Advanced Image Technology, the officer will work with you to clear the alarm. It could involve a visual inspection or in some cases you might have to take it off.
Bonus tip #1: Metal body piercings may cause an alarm at the metal detector, resulting in additional screening. You may be asked to remove your body piercing in private as an alternative to the pat-down search.
Bonus Tip #2: Although not jewelry, I wanted to mention that your eye glasses can remain on. I’ve seen people take them off and stumble through the checkpoint. Your glasses should not cause an alarm, and in the unlikely event that they do, it’s better to keep them on than to take a spill.
Some passengers come through T.S.A. checkpoints wearing a simple piece of jewelry, and others are all blinged out like the A Team's Mr. T.
So what’s the scoop? Should you remove jewelry or keep it on to go through security? The answer, in most cases is that you can keep it on, but there are a few different choices that you can make based on what kind of jewelry it is.
Here’s my advice:
• Unless it’s a really bulky piece of jewelry, keep your jewelry on. Chances are, it won’t alarm and if it does, you can let our officer inspect it with you there. It really doesn’t take long to inspect, unless you are blinged out like the aforementioned Mr. T.
• If you choose to remove your jewelry and it’s expensive or has sentimental value, take it off and put it in your carry-on bag. Bowls have been known to tip over on conveyor belts, seemingly sending small jewelry into another dimension where it is never seen again.
• If you’re wearing inexpensive jewelry and you don’t mind placing it in a bin or bowl, go for it.
In the event that an officer informs you that your jewelry might be the culprit as to why you alarmed a walk through metal detector or the Advanced Image Technology, the officer will work with you to clear the alarm. It could involve a visual inspection or in some cases you might have to take it off.
Bonus tip #1: Metal body piercings may cause an alarm at the metal detector, resulting in additional screening. You may be asked to remove your body piercing in private as an alternative to the pat-down search.
Bonus Tip #2: Although not jewelry, I wanted to mention that your eye glasses can remain on. I’ve seen people take them off and stumble through the checkpoint. Your glasses should not cause an alarm, and in the unlikely event that they do, it’s better to keep them on than to take a spill.
Monday, May 27, 2013
What is the perfect security tool?
That is a simple question that has a simple answer.
The single most important security tool is knowledge! Without that nothing else really matters. I say this because knowledge is the key to everything, especially when it comes to personal security and self defense. It doesn't matter how awesome your personal security tool is; if you don't know how to use it, and you're not being vigilant and prepared; it's worthless.
Being vigilant is part of any good self defense training course. Self defense training is a must. There will be times when you won't have a personal security product available and you must rely on your training and items you have around you. Self defense training is an important personal security tool.
Being vigilant isn't something you master over night is takes effort, but once you have mastered it; it becomes as natural waking up. Being vigilant helps you to identify problem situations, locations, and suspicious people in your everyday life, enabling you to steer clear of them. That knowledge protects and keeps you save as well as those with you.
Most problem situations occur anywhere and at anytime do to our own actions. It is important to identify those bad habits to keep from repeating them. Habits like walking alone, not choosing proper parking locations, and not being prepared. 76% of violent crimes occur within five miles of the home; the place we are most comfortable; that is why mastering vigilance is important. If you can be vigilant in your comfort zone you maximize you and your family's safety.
There are a lot of perfect tools for women's security; however knowledge is the key. Without proper knowledge of personal security and self defense your assailants will always be one step ahead of you. If you implement self defense training with good strategies, and self defense products you will have maximized your personal security. The Encyclopedia Galactica (the internet) has enormous amounts of resources available to help you gain the proper knowledge. Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense, and preparedness is before something happens.
The single most important security tool is knowledge! Without that nothing else really matters. I say this because knowledge is the key to everything, especially when it comes to personal security and self defense. It doesn't matter how awesome your personal security tool is; if you don't know how to use it, and you're not being vigilant and prepared; it's worthless.
Being vigilant is part of any good self defense training course. Self defense training is a must. There will be times when you won't have a personal security product available and you must rely on your training and items you have around you. Self defense training is an important personal security tool.
Being vigilant isn't something you master over night is takes effort, but once you have mastered it; it becomes as natural waking up. Being vigilant helps you to identify problem situations, locations, and suspicious people in your everyday life, enabling you to steer clear of them. That knowledge protects and keeps you save as well as those with you.
Most problem situations occur anywhere and at anytime do to our own actions. It is important to identify those bad habits to keep from repeating them. Habits like walking alone, not choosing proper parking locations, and not being prepared. 76% of violent crimes occur within five miles of the home; the place we are most comfortable; that is why mastering vigilance is important. If you can be vigilant in your comfort zone you maximize you and your family's safety.
There are a lot of perfect tools for women's security; however knowledge is the key. Without proper knowledge of personal security and self defense your assailants will always be one step ahead of you. If you implement self defense training with good strategies, and self defense products you will have maximized your personal security. The Encyclopedia Galactica (the internet) has enormous amounts of resources available to help you gain the proper knowledge. Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense, and preparedness is before something happens.
Monday, May 20, 2013
How will your family stay in touch when disaster strikes?
This is a great outline you will need to put an emergency disaster communication plan together. If you actually follow what I’m about to tell you, and distribute it to all your family it will make communication easier during a disaster. This is not something I just dreamed up. The department of Home Land Security developed it. It’s a great plan and everyone should have one. You never know when it might be needed.
First you need basic information like: Out of town contact name
• Home Telephone #
• Mobile phone (cell phone) #
• Email address
Right down the following information for each family member and keep it up to date:
• Name
• Birth date
• Social security number
• Important medical information
Where to go in case of emergency: Write down where your family spends the most time: Home, work, school and other places you frequent like daycare providers, and apartment buildings they should all have site-specific emergency plan.
• Address
• Phone #
• Neighborhood meeting place
• Regional meeting place
• Address
• Phone#
• Evacuation plan
• Address
• Phone#
• Evacuation plan
Other places you frequent:
• Address
• Phone#
• Evacuation plan
Important information you should document and keep up to date:
• Name
• Phone #
• Policy #
• Name
• Phone #
• Policy #
Medical Insurance:
• Name
• Phone #
• Policy #
Homeowners/Renters insurance:
• Name
• Phone #
• Policy #
Veterinarian/Kennel (for pets)
• Name
• Phone #
• Policy #
Now you are set! You have just made a communication plan in case of a disaster. I really hope that you take this plan an implement it. This plan is a terrific way to assure everyone is on the same page. It is also assuring knowing where all your family members are or are going to be in the event something happens.Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense, and preparedness is before something happens,
First you need basic information like: Out of town contact name
• Home Telephone #
• Mobile phone (cell phone) #
• Email address
Right down the following information for each family member and keep it up to date:
• Name
• Birth date
• Social security number
• Important medical information
Where to go in case of emergency: Write down where your family spends the most time: Home, work, school and other places you frequent like daycare providers, and apartment buildings they should all have site-specific emergency plan.
• Address
• Phone #
• Neighborhood meeting place
• Regional meeting place
• Address
• Phone#
• Evacuation plan
• Address
• Phone#
• Evacuation plan
Other places you frequent:
• Address
• Phone#
• Evacuation plan
Important information you should document and keep up to date:
• Name
• Phone #
• Policy #
• Name
• Phone #
• Policy #
Medical Insurance:
• Name
• Phone #
• Policy #
Homeowners/Renters insurance:
• Name
• Phone #
• Policy #
Veterinarian/Kennel (for pets)
• Name
• Phone #
• Policy #
Now you are set! You have just made a communication plan in case of a disaster. I really hope that you take this plan an implement it. This plan is a terrific way to assure everyone is on the same page. It is also assuring knowing where all your family members are or are going to be in the event something happens.Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense, and preparedness is before something happens,
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Checking Account Fraud
In this consumer alert we will discuss checking account fraud and the different ways you can protect yourself from being taken by scams and con artists.
Fraudulent Telemarketers and con-artists have found another way to steal your money. Consumers across the country are complaining about unauthorized automatic debits (withdrawals) from their checking accounts.
Beware of a caller that asks for your checking account number, or other printed information signed by you on your account. Do as you would with your credit card numbers - do not give out checking account information over the phone or by mail unless you initiate the call or are familiar with the company.
How the Scam Works:
You either receive a post card or a telephone call saying you have won a free prize or can qualify for a major credit card, regardless of past credit problems. If you respond to the offer, often times the telemarketers ask you right away, “Do you have a checking account:” If you say “yes”, the telemarketer will explain the offer. If you say “No,” they may tell you that you are ineligible for the offer. If the telemarketer goes on to explain the offer, usually it sounds too good to pass up. Near the end of the sales pitch, the telemarketer will craftily ask you to read the numbers at the bottom of your check. Sometimes they may not tell you why this information is needed. Other times, they may tell you that the information will help to ensure that you qualify for the offer. Once the telemarketer has your checking account information, it is put on a “demand draft” and sent to the bank for payment. The draft contains your name, account number, and the amount, but does not require your signature. When your bank receives the draft, the stated amount is withdrawn from your account and paid to the telemarketer’s bank. You may not know that this has occurred until you receive your next bank statement.
How to Protect Yourself:
These scams involve fraud which is hard to detect and could expose you to large financial losses. The following suggestions may help you avoid becoming a victim.
• Do not give your checking account number or other account information over the phone in response to solicitations from unknown people or businesses.
• If anyone asked for your checking account member or account information, ask them why they need it.
• Beware of offers that sound too good to be true, especially offers that require your checking account number or other account information. Ask to review the company’s offer in writing before you agree to a purchase.
What to do if you are a Victim:
If a telemarketer has issued a draft against your checking account without your knowledge or permission, or the amount is more than you authorized, contact your bank immediately. Depending on the timing and circumstances, you may be able to get your money back.
If you become defrauded:
If you believe you have been a victim of a fraudulent checking account scam report it to the Attorney General Office’s Consumer Protection Unit and the local Police Department. You may also file complaints with your local Postmaster (the Postal Inspection Service investigates mail fraud claims).
Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense, and preparedness is before something happens.
Fraudulent Telemarketers and con-artists have found another way to steal your money. Consumers across the country are complaining about unauthorized automatic debits (withdrawals) from their checking accounts.
Beware of a caller that asks for your checking account number, or other printed information signed by you on your account. Do as you would with your credit card numbers - do not give out checking account information over the phone or by mail unless you initiate the call or are familiar with the company.
How the Scam Works:
You either receive a post card or a telephone call saying you have won a free prize or can qualify for a major credit card, regardless of past credit problems. If you respond to the offer, often times the telemarketers ask you right away, “Do you have a checking account:” If you say “yes”, the telemarketer will explain the offer. If you say “No,” they may tell you that you are ineligible for the offer. If the telemarketer goes on to explain the offer, usually it sounds too good to pass up. Near the end of the sales pitch, the telemarketer will craftily ask you to read the numbers at the bottom of your check. Sometimes they may not tell you why this information is needed. Other times, they may tell you that the information will help to ensure that you qualify for the offer. Once the telemarketer has your checking account information, it is put on a “demand draft” and sent to the bank for payment. The draft contains your name, account number, and the amount, but does not require your signature. When your bank receives the draft, the stated amount is withdrawn from your account and paid to the telemarketer’s bank. You may not know that this has occurred until you receive your next bank statement.
How to Protect Yourself:
These scams involve fraud which is hard to detect and could expose you to large financial losses. The following suggestions may help you avoid becoming a victim.
• Do not give your checking account number or other account information over the phone in response to solicitations from unknown people or businesses.
• If anyone asked for your checking account member or account information, ask them why they need it.
• Beware of offers that sound too good to be true, especially offers that require your checking account number or other account information. Ask to review the company’s offer in writing before you agree to a purchase.
What to do if you are a Victim:
If a telemarketer has issued a draft against your checking account without your knowledge or permission, or the amount is more than you authorized, contact your bank immediately. Depending on the timing and circumstances, you may be able to get your money back.
If you become defrauded:
If you believe you have been a victim of a fraudulent checking account scam report it to the Attorney General Office’s Consumer Protection Unit and the local Police Department. You may also file complaints with your local Postmaster (the Postal Inspection Service investigates mail fraud claims).
Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense, and preparedness is before something happens.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Travel Scams
In this consumer alert we will discuss Travel Scams and the different ways you can protect yourself from being taken by con-artists.
The season to plan a trip and see the world is here. But don’t be caught off guard, as the Telemarketers and con-artists are out there ready to take your money.
Many of these scams start when you receive a certified postcard that says,
“Pack your bags! This certifies that you will receive a world class Hawaiian vacation offer for you and a friend.” The word “offer” often is a clue to hidden charges. The postcard or certificate tells you to call a number for details about the trip. And when you call, you are given a sales pitch for a luxurious trip.
The salesperson may ask you for your credit card number to bill your which usually includes instructions for making trip reservations requests. Your request often times is accompanied by yet another fee. In addition, many offers require you to pay port charges, hotel taxes, tips as well as other service fees. And these can really add up fast. Your bargain trip is no longer a bargain.
Telemarketing travel scams usually originate out of “boiler rooms.” Very skilled salespeople often with years of experience selling dubious products and services over the phone, pitch travel packages that may sound legitimate, but often are not.
These pitches usually include but are not limited to:
The Affordable Offers:
This type of fraud usually will include club membership or vacation offers in a lower price range. The offer sounds reasonable and is designed to appeal to anyone who is looking to get away at a low price.
High Pressure/Time Pressure Tactics:
These offers are usually very time sensitive and the scam operator needs your commitment immediately or the offer will no longer be available. They will simply brush aside any questions you may have, (using their skill with people), and give you every assurances you will have a wonderful trip.
Follow-up Material:
Some companies may even agree to send you confirmation of your deal. However, it usually bears little resemblance to the offer you accepted over the phone. The written materials often disclose additional terms, conditions and costs.
Oral Misrepresentations:
These travel deals may vary from scheme to scheme, but in general the deal they promise you could never be delivered anyway. But unfortunately, you will not know it until your money is gone and your travel plans are trashed.
How to Protect Yourself:
Travel scams can ruin a vacation, especially when they cost you money. To avoid any unpleasant surprises it will pay you to investigate a travel package before you spend your money. But it can be difficult to determine if the deal is legitimate. Consider this before you buy:
1. Always be wary of great deals and low prices. This may be a tip off it’s a scam.
2. Don’t be pressured into buying. This is another tip off; do not let them push you into buying.
3. Ask detailed questions, the more questions you ask the more you can determine if it is a scam.
If you decide to buy:
Find out the name of the provider - What is the name and phone number of the company that is getting your reservations and tickets. This is usually not the telemarketer.
Get all the information in writing before you agree to buy.
• Do not give your credit card number or other bank information over the phone unless you know the company.
• Do not send money by messenger or overnight mail, and remember if you pay by cash or check, rather than a credit card, you lose your right to dispute charges under the Fair Credit Billing Act.
• If you charge your trip by credit card, you may dispute the charges by writing to your credit card issuer at the address provided on your billing statements. Do this as soon as you receive your statement. Do not wait. You have up to 60 days after the bill’s statement date to dispute any and all charges. All scam artists know this. So, if you are told you cannot leave for at least 60 days, the deal is most likely a scam.
Lastly, if you are going to travel use a local travel agent, it is the safest way. These people are professionals and know where the deals are and can save you hundreds of dollars in travel costs. All travel agents are connected by computer, and they know all about vacation scams and they will avoid them. Most Travel Agents are always running vacation and travel specials and can take the hassle out of planning a vacation or trip. So use them, they will take the hassle out of planning a vacation.
If you become defrauded:
If you believe you have became a victim of a Travel Scam report it to your state Attorney General Office’s Consumer Protection Unit, and local Sheriff office or Police Department.
Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense, and preparedness is before something happens.
The season to plan a trip and see the world is here. But don’t be caught off guard, as the Telemarketers and con-artists are out there ready to take your money.
Many of these scams start when you receive a certified postcard that says,
“Pack your bags! This certifies that you will receive a world class Hawaiian vacation offer for you and a friend.” The word “offer” often is a clue to hidden charges. The postcard or certificate tells you to call a number for details about the trip. And when you call, you are given a sales pitch for a luxurious trip.
The salesperson may ask you for your credit card number to bill your which usually includes instructions for making trip reservations requests. Your request often times is accompanied by yet another fee. In addition, many offers require you to pay port charges, hotel taxes, tips as well as other service fees. And these can really add up fast. Your bargain trip is no longer a bargain.
Telemarketing travel scams usually originate out of “boiler rooms.” Very skilled salespeople often with years of experience selling dubious products and services over the phone, pitch travel packages that may sound legitimate, but often are not.
These pitches usually include but are not limited to:
The Affordable Offers:
This type of fraud usually will include club membership or vacation offers in a lower price range. The offer sounds reasonable and is designed to appeal to anyone who is looking to get away at a low price.
High Pressure/Time Pressure Tactics:
These offers are usually very time sensitive and the scam operator needs your commitment immediately or the offer will no longer be available. They will simply brush aside any questions you may have, (using their skill with people), and give you every assurances you will have a wonderful trip.
Follow-up Material:
Some companies may even agree to send you confirmation of your deal. However, it usually bears little resemblance to the offer you accepted over the phone. The written materials often disclose additional terms, conditions and costs.
Oral Misrepresentations:
These travel deals may vary from scheme to scheme, but in general the deal they promise you could never be delivered anyway. But unfortunately, you will not know it until your money is gone and your travel plans are trashed.
How to Protect Yourself:
Travel scams can ruin a vacation, especially when they cost you money. To avoid any unpleasant surprises it will pay you to investigate a travel package before you spend your money. But it can be difficult to determine if the deal is legitimate. Consider this before you buy:
1. Always be wary of great deals and low prices. This may be a tip off it’s a scam.
2. Don’t be pressured into buying. This is another tip off; do not let them push you into buying.
3. Ask detailed questions, the more questions you ask the more you can determine if it is a scam.
If you decide to buy:
Find out the name of the provider - What is the name and phone number of the company that is getting your reservations and tickets. This is usually not the telemarketer.
Get all the information in writing before you agree to buy.
• Do not give your credit card number or other bank information over the phone unless you know the company.
• Do not send money by messenger or overnight mail, and remember if you pay by cash or check, rather than a credit card, you lose your right to dispute charges under the Fair Credit Billing Act.
• If you charge your trip by credit card, you may dispute the charges by writing to your credit card issuer at the address provided on your billing statements. Do this as soon as you receive your statement. Do not wait. You have up to 60 days after the bill’s statement date to dispute any and all charges. All scam artists know this. So, if you are told you cannot leave for at least 60 days, the deal is most likely a scam.
Lastly, if you are going to travel use a local travel agent, it is the safest way. These people are professionals and know where the deals are and can save you hundreds of dollars in travel costs. All travel agents are connected by computer, and they know all about vacation scams and they will avoid them. Most Travel Agents are always running vacation and travel specials and can take the hassle out of planning a vacation or trip. So use them, they will take the hassle out of planning a vacation.
If you become defrauded:
If you believe you have became a victim of a Travel Scam report it to your state Attorney General Office’s Consumer Protection Unit, and local Sheriff office or Police Department.
Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense, and preparedness is before something happens.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Five Prevention Strategies
Just about all self defense and police crime prevention sites contain lists of tips to reduce the risk of a violent or criminal encounter. The number of them can seem overwhelming. Where do you start? A more practical approach to incorporating prevention tips is to understand the principles on which they are based. If you understand the fundamentals of prevention, you will be able to improvise safety strategies "on the fly" that are relevant to your needs. We are all different and have different concerns and needs. The degree to which you incorporate safety advice depends on your circumstances, environment, risk potential and even your personality. In this article, I'll provide you with five of prevention strategies.
Prevention Strategies:
1. Detection Offenders do not want to get caught. By increasing your visibility to witnesses or by drawing attention to an assailant, it is less likely that a confrontation will be initiated. Awareness strategies and detection devices fall into this category.
2. Intrusion An assailant cannot assault you if he cannot get to you. These tactics involve securing your environment to inhibit the assailant's access to you. Keeping unwanted persons out of your home or vehicle or even placing a barrier between you and an attacker are examples of this principle.
3. Isolation Offenders are far more likely to attack when you are alone. 96% of rapists check to see if the intended victim is alone prior to attacking. The greater the likelihood that an assault will be witnessed or interrupted, the less likely it is that it will be initiated.
4. Response responding to avoid an encounter is far superior to reacting to it once it has been initiated. Response skills start by paying attention to your surroundings and being able to detect and recognize when you are being targeted as a potential victim. This strategy focuses on locating and identifying potential dangers and responding in ways that are likely to discourage volatile situations.
5. Reaction Reaction involves taking immediate physical actions when you confirm that you are being attacked or about to be. The more you know about what to do to ward off a physical assault and the sooner you plan those actions, the more likely you will be successful at defending yourself and escaping to safety.
Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self-defense, and preparedness is before somthing happens.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Have you ever felt that uneasy feeling that sent shivers up your spine?
Do you ever feel like you’re being watched at public places like bathrooms, hotels, motels, or changing rooms?
To tell you the truth, it is entirely possible this has happened to you without your knowledge.
What is one thing all the before mentioned places have in common? You guessed it, mirrors, or are they mirrors at all? Now why is that significant? All these are also locations one removes clothing for obvious reasons. If you couple those locations and 2-way mirrors (2-way glass), you have a recipe for an amoral individual taking advantage of you. Are you willing to take that risk! I’m not, and I definitely wouldn’t want my wife and daughters falling into that trap. Look, never leaving your home, or frequenting public facilities is no way to live your life; that’s why I’m going to teach you how to recognize the difference between a regular mirror and a 2-way mirror (2-way Glass).
Mirrors and 2-way glass have similar attributes; you can see your reflection, they are made from the same materials and you use them to see. To determine which is which is not a complex process and only requires one tool, your fingernail. Take one of your finger nails and simple place it against the reflective surface that is in question; look directly where your finger nail touches the surface, if there is a gap between your finger nail and the reflected image of your nail it is a regular mirror. If no gap is present it is a 2-way mirror and you need to leave that facility. The person I learned this from has an interesting catch phrase, “No Space Leave the Place”.
It is extremely important to teach your loved ones this test! More times than not it is probably just a person sitting back there watching you; however it there is a possibility that they have recording equipment watching your every move.
To tell you the truth, it is entirely possible this has happened to you without your knowledge.
What is one thing all the before mentioned places have in common? You guessed it, mirrors, or are they mirrors at all? Now why is that significant? All these are also locations one removes clothing for obvious reasons. If you couple those locations and 2-way mirrors (2-way glass), you have a recipe for an amoral individual taking advantage of you. Are you willing to take that risk! I’m not, and I definitely wouldn’t want my wife and daughters falling into that trap. Look, never leaving your home, or frequenting public facilities is no way to live your life; that’s why I’m going to teach you how to recognize the difference between a regular mirror and a 2-way mirror (2-way Glass).
Mirrors and 2-way glass have similar attributes; you can see your reflection, they are made from the same materials and you use them to see. To determine which is which is not a complex process and only requires one tool, your fingernail. Take one of your finger nails and simple place it against the reflective surface that is in question; look directly where your finger nail touches the surface, if there is a gap between your finger nail and the reflected image of your nail it is a regular mirror. If no gap is present it is a 2-way mirror and you need to leave that facility. The person I learned this from has an interesting catch phrase, “No Space Leave the Place”.
It is extremely important to teach your loved ones this test! More times than not it is probably just a person sitting back there watching you; however it there is a possibility that they have recording equipment watching your every move.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
How do you prepare for a freak of nature?
Even people who live in tornado-tested places have mixed feelings about how much is necessary. Tightened building standards and storm shelters are obvious tools to brace for vicious wind and debris, but tornado veterans balance those steps with pragmatism. Rigid building codes and shelters cost money, and the odds of being hit by one of the storms are actually relatively low.
Patterns and Planning
While tornadoes are unpredictable – they can happen any time of year, any time of day, and strike all 50 states – they aren’t totally random, either. We’re in the thick of “tornado weather,” March through July, and the storms are far more common in parts of the South, West and Midwest than they are elsewhere.
Tornadoes don’t tend to hit cities, either, if only because of probabilities. There is far more undeveloped land than buildings in the places where tornadoes usually form.
By Michael Fitzgerald
Patterns and Planning
While tornadoes are unpredictable – they can happen any time of year, any time of day, and strike all 50 states – they aren’t totally random, either. We’re in the thick of “tornado weather,” March through July, and the storms are far more common in parts of the South, West and Midwest than they are elsewhere.
Tornadoes don’t tend to hit cities, either, if only because of probabilities. There is far more undeveloped land than buildings in the places where tornadoes usually form.
By Michael Fitzgerald
Monday, May 6, 2013
A burglar just broke
A burglar just broke in to your house he is shinning his flash light around when he hears Jesus is watching you. Startled he turns his light off and doesn't move a muscle waiting nervously nothing happens. He again turns his light on and starts to dismantle the cables to the stereo and flat screen when he hears Jesus is watching you! He shines the light around the room to find a bird in the corner. The birds say Jesus is watching you. The burglar says "what is your name"? The bird replies”Moses". What kind of person names their bird Moses? The burglar mutters. The bird replies the same kind of person who names there Rottweiler Jesus!
Funny story! These people were prepared; in a unique way... How are you preparing your home against burglars? When disaster strikes the people who haven't prepared will do what the have to to survive; make sure your prepared. Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self-defense, and preparedness is before something happens.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Do you want better healthier chickens? Would you like your chickens to produce the healthiest eggs possible?
Three ways to let your chickens roam thier way to healthier eggs:
1. A chicken run attached to your coop where they can roam at there will or yours.
2. Letting them out of the coop to roam out in the open space in your yard, pasture, or green space; if your neighbors are agreeable.
3. My personal favorite; letting the chickens roam in your fenced garden area.
The advantages your garden can receive from your chickens in incredible. Another way of spreading the goo in your garden is using a mobile coop; moving it around every few days until you have fertilized the entire garden. But I digress.
When your chickens are out of the coop to roam free they are able to soak up the sun’s rays helping them produce rich nutritional eggs filled with Omega -3’s that our bodies as humans need. A good identifier that your chickens are producing rich nutritious eggs are when you crack them open you see nice dark yellow yokes.
Roaming also gives them the opportunity to just be chickens; they can bob around cackling and scratching and digging for their own food sources. They love eating insects, grubs, mealworms, weeds and grass to name a few. Depending in what area of the country you live in and the season, you may have to supplement their diets with those items; for example in the winter of some mid-west states the snow and ice may defeat your chicken’s ability to dig and scratch for those tasty treats. Mealworms are one of the best supplements for your chickens.
Healthier chickens and eggs all come down to giving your chickens the time and space to be chickens. When your chickens are able to spend time in the sun foraging for their own food they will be healthier and produce more nutritious eggs for you and your family. Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self-defense, and preparedness is before something happens.
1. A chicken run attached to your coop where they can roam at there will or yours.
2. Letting them out of the coop to roam out in the open space in your yard, pasture, or green space; if your neighbors are agreeable.
3. My personal favorite; letting the chickens roam in your fenced garden area.
The advantages your garden can receive from your chickens in incredible. Another way of spreading the goo in your garden is using a mobile coop; moving it around every few days until you have fertilized the entire garden. But I digress.
When your chickens are out of the coop to roam free they are able to soak up the sun’s rays helping them produce rich nutritional eggs filled with Omega -3’s that our bodies as humans need. A good identifier that your chickens are producing rich nutritious eggs are when you crack them open you see nice dark yellow yokes.
Roaming also gives them the opportunity to just be chickens; they can bob around cackling and scratching and digging for their own food sources. They love eating insects, grubs, mealworms, weeds and grass to name a few. Depending in what area of the country you live in and the season, you may have to supplement their diets with those items; for example in the winter of some mid-west states the snow and ice may defeat your chicken’s ability to dig and scratch for those tasty treats. Mealworms are one of the best supplements for your chickens.
Healthier chickens and eggs all come down to giving your chickens the time and space to be chickens. When your chickens are able to spend time in the sun foraging for their own food they will be healthier and produce more nutritious eggs for you and your family. Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self-defense, and preparedness is before something happens.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Do you want better healthier chickens? Would you like your chickens to produce the healthiest eggs possible?
Do you want better healthier chickens?
Would you like your chickens to produce the healthiest eggs possible?
In order for your chickens to be as healthy as possible and produce eggs in the same manner it is a must to let them roam free daily and forage.
Tomorrow I will dig deeper into free roaming chickens and how it helps your eggs nutritional value.
Would you like your chickens to produce the healthiest eggs possible?
In order for your chickens to be as healthy as possible and produce eggs in the same manner it is a must to let them roam free daily and forage.
Tomorrow I will dig deeper into free roaming chickens and how it helps your eggs nutritional value.
Monday, April 29, 2013
The BEST time of the year to start raising chickens...?
The BEST time of the year to start raising chickens...?
Today’s post is the first of a few talking about chickens. Prepper’s you will want to pay attention.
The answer is definitely in the spring...and here's why:
1. You'll find the cheapest and largest selection of
chickens at your local farm store or farmer's market
during the spring.
2. It takes anywhere from 4-10 weeks for chicks to get
fully feather out and you need a warm place to keep
them warm. In the spring and summer time, this obviously
becomes less of an issue and you can often brood your
chicks right out in the coop (my own preference)!
3. Caring for chickens in cold weather requires a
little planning and a few special considerations in
order to keep your flock happy. By starting your
flock now you'll have many months to get your chickens
safe and warm for the winter.
4. Throughout the country, the spring offers a nice,
comfortable, (and not too hot!) weather for you to spend
time in your garden building and preparing your chicken
coop if you decide on building it yourself (which you
So in other words if you've been considering starting
your own flock, this is the perfect time to get started,
you will have your own egg laying hens in a few months
from now!
Today’s post is the first of a few talking about chickens. Prepper’s you will want to pay attention.
The answer is definitely in the spring...and here's why:
1. You'll find the cheapest and largest selection of
chickens at your local farm store or farmer's market
during the spring.
2. It takes anywhere from 4-10 weeks for chicks to get
fully feather out and you need a warm place to keep
them warm. In the spring and summer time, this obviously
becomes less of an issue and you can often brood your
chicks right out in the coop (my own preference)!
3. Caring for chickens in cold weather requires a
little planning and a few special considerations in
order to keep your flock happy. By starting your
flock now you'll have many months to get your chickens
safe and warm for the winter.
4. Throughout the country, the spring offers a nice,
comfortable, (and not too hot!) weather for you to spend
time in your garden building and preparing your chicken
coop if you decide on building it yourself (which you
So in other words if you've been considering starting
your own flock, this is the perfect time to get started,
you will have your own egg laying hens in a few months
from now!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Personal Security and Self Defense Products, Don’t’ be A Victim,
Personal Security and Self Defense Products, Don’t’ be A Victim,
Why is it Important to carry personal security and self defense products?
Watching the news lately has really reinforced what I have been saying with a sense of urgency; the need for personal security self defense products and self defense training. You can’t be sure that some of the recent deaths could have been avoided; however it’s possible they could have been avoided by carrying personal security self defense products and having self defense training. Being prepared can ward off a lot of tragic, terrible circumstances, and possible save your life. It gives you the element of surprise your attacker isn’t ready for. They approach you thinking they have the upper hand until a shot of pepper spray hits them right in the face or a Stungun renders their bodies useless or a palm heel strike to the face takes them back giving you the opportunity to flee. Every time I hear or read about such atrocities it makes my skin crawl. The unfortunate part is that even though we have some of the finest trained police officers in the world they aren’t always there in our time of need. I can’t stress enough how important it is to carry personal security self defense equipment and have self defense training. I would strongly recommend practicing with your personal security self defense products so you are ready and able to handle your equipment. You need to take action now, so you don’t wish you had purchased that for you, your spouse, or your children after the fact. By being prepared with the proper equipment and training can you put the odds on you or your loved one’s side.
Why is it Important to carry personal security and self defense products?
Watching the news lately has really reinforced what I have been saying with a sense of urgency; the need for personal security self defense products and self defense training. You can’t be sure that some of the recent deaths could have been avoided; however it’s possible they could have been avoided by carrying personal security self defense products and having self defense training. Being prepared can ward off a lot of tragic, terrible circumstances, and possible save your life. It gives you the element of surprise your attacker isn’t ready for. They approach you thinking they have the upper hand until a shot of pepper spray hits them right in the face or a Stungun renders their bodies useless or a palm heel strike to the face takes them back giving you the opportunity to flee. Every time I hear or read about such atrocities it makes my skin crawl. The unfortunate part is that even though we have some of the finest trained police officers in the world they aren’t always there in our time of need. I can’t stress enough how important it is to carry personal security self defense equipment and have self defense training. I would strongly recommend practicing with your personal security self defense products so you are ready and able to handle your equipment. You need to take action now, so you don’t wish you had purchased that for you, your spouse, or your children after the fact. By being prepared with the proper equipment and training can you put the odds on you or your loved one’s side.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Must have items in your first aid kit
Must have items in your first aid kit
Have you ever been in a situation where you need to provide first aid to someone and you did not have the supplies you needed? In this article I will go over what you should have on hand when you are at home, on the road and even while you are at work. You never know when you will need to provide first aid to yourself or your friends and loved ones.
The basics of the first aid kit:
• The basics of a fist aid kit should pretty much be the same for everybody. Depending on if you have kids or not will determine some extra band-aids for the little cuts and scrapes that the children incur.
• Also the basics should be checked every month for damages and possible expiration dates. A lot of band-aids have a sterility date.
• The basics should include:
• A package of 3” to 4” sterile band-aids
• A package of antiseptic wipes
• At least 2 pair latex gloves (or if you are allergic to latex they do make latex free gloves)
• A tube of triple antibiotic ointment (Neosporin)
• A pair of tweezers
• An instant cold pack
• A couple pads of gauze
• and a roll of medical tape
• All of this should be in a durable bag that is easy to get into when the time comes that you need to use it.
• All of these things should be with you in your home, your car, and at your desk at work.
• Depending on what you are doing or where you are at you need to pack other things in there. Possibly sting relieve cream if you are going on a camping trip. You might want to put a safety flare in the bag if you are going on a long trip. If you have children you may want to pack the cartoon band aids so they feel comfort when that band aid is on the skin.
There are a lot of different situations that you may encounter that you would use your first aid kit. For example; my two daughters where playing outside the other day laughing and running all over the yard. The youngest decided to try to climb the fence barefoot. Not a good idea in my opinion but kids will be kids. Then I heard a scream come from the back yard. I grabbed the first aid kit I have sitting under my desk and hit the door running. She had a little splinter stuck in her foot. With ease I took out the tweezers and pulled the piece of wood out then wiped it off with one of the wipes and put a band aid on her foot.
For a wealth of information and products to get the job done checkout:
Have you ever been in a situation where you need to provide first aid to someone and you did not have the supplies you needed? In this article I will go over what you should have on hand when you are at home, on the road and even while you are at work. You never know when you will need to provide first aid to yourself or your friends and loved ones.
The basics of the first aid kit:
• The basics of a fist aid kit should pretty much be the same for everybody. Depending on if you have kids or not will determine some extra band-aids for the little cuts and scrapes that the children incur.
• Also the basics should be checked every month for damages and possible expiration dates. A lot of band-aids have a sterility date.
• The basics should include:
• A package of 3” to 4” sterile band-aids
• A package of antiseptic wipes
• At least 2 pair latex gloves (or if you are allergic to latex they do make latex free gloves)
• A tube of triple antibiotic ointment (Neosporin)
• A pair of tweezers
• An instant cold pack
• A couple pads of gauze
• and a roll of medical tape
• All of this should be in a durable bag that is easy to get into when the time comes that you need to use it.
• All of these things should be with you in your home, your car, and at your desk at work.
• Depending on what you are doing or where you are at you need to pack other things in there. Possibly sting relieve cream if you are going on a camping trip. You might want to put a safety flare in the bag if you are going on a long trip. If you have children you may want to pack the cartoon band aids so they feel comfort when that band aid is on the skin.
There are a lot of different situations that you may encounter that you would use your first aid kit. For example; my two daughters where playing outside the other day laughing and running all over the yard. The youngest decided to try to climb the fence barefoot. Not a good idea in my opinion but kids will be kids. Then I heard a scream come from the back yard. I grabbed the first aid kit I have sitting under my desk and hit the door running. She had a little splinter stuck in her foot. With ease I took out the tweezers and pulled the piece of wood out then wiped it off with one of the wipes and put a band aid on her foot.
For a wealth of information and products to get the job done checkout:
Monday, April 22, 2013
Water Storage Preparedness Preparation: Where do I start preparing? How do I start preparing?
Water Storage:
First you have to find that starting point; what do you have on hand? Specifically in these areas: Tools, Food and Water Storage, First Aid and Medical Supplies, Personal Hygiene items, and the Junk Box. Today I will break down the Water Storage. Check back tomorrow for more personal security, self defense and preparedness tips.
You wouldn’t believe the amount of water that you use daily between drinking, showering, using the rest room etc. On average an American family of 4 uses approximately 400 gallons of water per day of which 70% is used indoors according to the EPA. There are many tips on how to reduce your water consumption but that is another article. I digress. That is why it is extremely important to inventory all the water you have on hand. From bottled water stored in various locations, any natural water you may be storing for example; rain fall collectors, to the water closet and even the water in your hot water heater. If you keep water containers for camping or hunting include those and any water purification tablets or systems you have. Clean drinking water can make an enormous difference between health and sickness.
When it comes to taking this initial inventory take your time and be methodical. These initial inventories are your basic cornerstone for your prepping. The more prepared you are the easier it is when disaster strikes. Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense, and preparedness is before something happens.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Food Storage Preparedness Preparation: Where do I start preparing? How do I start preparing?
Food Storage:
First you have to find that starting point; what do you have on hand? Specifically in these areas: Tools, Food and Water Storage, First Aid and Medical Supplies, Personal Hygiene items, and the Junk Box. Today I will break down the Food Storage. Check back Monday for Water Storage.
This might take some time to accomplish depending on your family’s size, how much food you pantry, freeze, or canned. This step is important; you might be thinking to yourself why in the world take inventory on all my food items when they will change as soon as the kids come home from school. I understand that seems a bit trifle; think of it this way if disaster strikes tonight and you must flee, no grocery stores are open, you only have what you have on hand, and now you will know just what that is. Leave no stone unturned you should record every food item no matter how trivial you think it might be; for example spices. Record canned foods to staples like flour to frozen vegetables and refrigerated lunch meats. As I spoke about with the first aid and medications in part 1 record the expiration dates for each item or the date they would no longer be editable or fit to use; which usually is a lot longer than the expiration date. Your list will be a running list, update it daily or better as items are used; it only takes a few moments when you have it organized in a spread sheet and pinned in the kitchen for all to use.
Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense, and preparedness is before something happens.
First you have to find that starting point; what do you have on hand? Specifically in these areas: Tools, Food and Water Storage, First Aid and Medical Supplies, Personal Hygiene items, and the Junk Box. Today I will break down the Food Storage. Check back Monday for Water Storage.
This might take some time to accomplish depending on your family’s size, how much food you pantry, freeze, or canned. This step is important; you might be thinking to yourself why in the world take inventory on all my food items when they will change as soon as the kids come home from school. I understand that seems a bit trifle; think of it this way if disaster strikes tonight and you must flee, no grocery stores are open, you only have what you have on hand, and now you will know just what that is. Leave no stone unturned you should record every food item no matter how trivial you think it might be; for example spices. Record canned foods to staples like flour to frozen vegetables and refrigerated lunch meats. As I spoke about with the first aid and medications in part 1 record the expiration dates for each item or the date they would no longer be editable or fit to use; which usually is a lot longer than the expiration date. Your list will be a running list, update it daily or better as items are used; it only takes a few moments when you have it organized in a spread sheet and pinned in the kitchen for all to use.
Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense, and preparedness is before something happens.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
The Junk Box Preparedness Preparation: Where do I start preparing? How do I start preparing?
The Junk Box
Those are two commonly asked questions and both have merit. Look, it can seem like an overwhelming task; but with guidance and good information you will have no problems accomplishing your preparedness goals. Once you fill your tool box with the proper tools you will be on the road my friends; my job will be to give you those tools! Let’s get started!
First you have to find that starting point; what do you have on hand? Specifically in these areas: Tools, Food and Water Storage, First Aid and Medical Supplies, Personal Hygiene items, and the Junk Box. Today I will break down the Junk Box. Check back tomorrow for Food Storage.
Items you feel are an asset when disaster strikes, odds and ends, for example camping gear. I call it the junk box; because it’s like the junk drawer in your kitchen, it is full of the most useful items, which are sometimes missing in action. Hunt those items up and ad them to your inventory; we don’t want them to be MIA.
Those are two commonly asked questions and both have merit. Look, it can seem like an overwhelming task; but with guidance and good information you will have no problems accomplishing your preparedness goals. Once you fill your tool box with the proper tools you will be on the road my friends; my job will be to give you those tools! Let’s get started!
First you have to find that starting point; what do you have on hand? Specifically in these areas: Tools, Food and Water Storage, First Aid and Medical Supplies, Personal Hygiene items, and the Junk Box. Today I will break down the Junk Box. Check back tomorrow for Food Storage.
Items you feel are an asset when disaster strikes, odds and ends, for example camping gear. I call it the junk box; because it’s like the junk drawer in your kitchen, it is full of the most useful items, which are sometimes missing in action. Hunt those items up and ad them to your inventory; we don’t want them to be MIA.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
First Aid and Medical Supplies Preparedness Preparation: Where do I start preparing? How do I start preparing?
First Aid and Medical Supplies
Those are two commonly asked questions and both have merit. Look, it can seem like an overwhelming task; but with guidance and good information you will have no problems accomplishing your preparedness goals. Once you fill your tool box with the proper tools you will be on the road my friends; my job will be to give you those tools! Let’s get started!
First you have to find that starting point; what do you have on hand? Specifically in these areas: Tools, Food and Water Storage, First Aid and Medical Supplies, Personal Hygiene items, and the Junk Box. Today I will break down First Aid and Medical Supplies. Check back tomorrow for The Junk Box.
First aid items to look for and inventory; antiseptics, ointments, gauze pads, scissors, adhesive tape, ace bandages, instant cold packs, latex gloves, band aids, tweezers, and sting and bite kits. Personal Medical supplies; these are your prescription and over the counter medications, be sure to when inventorying these items you record there expiration dates, refills left, and refill dates, never let your medications run out you always want to refill them so you always have them on hand.
Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense and preparedness is before something happens.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Hygiene Preparedness Preparation: Where do I start preparing? How do I start preparing?
Where do I start preparing? How do I start preparing?
Those are two commonly asked questions and both have merit. Look, it can seem like an overwhelming task; but with guidance and good information you will have no problems accomplishing your preparedness goals. Once you fill your tool box with the proper tools you will be on the road my friends; my job will be to give you those tools! Let’s get started!
First you have to find that starting point; what do you have on hand? Specifically in these areas: Tools, Food and Water Storage, First Aid and Medical Supplies, Personal Hygiene items, and the Junk Box. Today I will break down Tools. Check back tomorrow for First Aid and Medical Supplies.
This is pretty basic stuff; inventory the items that keep you clean and help others tolerate your odor or lack of if you have these with you. Toilet paper AKA TP; I never leave home without it, shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, lotion, female products and any person specific products. If you store these products in many places be sure to inventory all of them. If you have pets inventory there hygiene products too.
Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense and preparedness id before something happens.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Tools Preparedness Preparation: Where do I start preparing? How do I start preparing?
Where do I start preparing? How do I start preparing?
Those are two commonly asked questions and both have merit. Look, it can seem like an overwhelming task; but with guidance and good information you will have no problems accomplishing your preparedness goals. Once you fill your tool box with the proper tools you will be on the road my friends; my job will be to give you those tools! Let’s get started!
First you have to find that starting point; what do you have on hand? Specifically in these areas: Tools, Food and Water Storage, First Aid and Medical Supplies, Personal Hygiene items, and the Junk Box. Today I will break down Tools. Check back tomorrow for Hygiene.
Duct tape and Bailing wire; why are you laughing? They have held many of vehicles together over the years, and duct tape and bailing wire are both excellent tools to have with you. What else? First anything that requires batteries or power you need to nix right away; batteries die and the item just becomes an anchor weighing you down and power tools for obvious reasons. Build your tool list with hand tools; like screw drivers, pry-bars, knives, hammers, hand saws, hatchets and multi-use tools.
Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense and preparedness id before something happens.
Those are two commonly asked questions and both have merit. Look, it can seem like an overwhelming task; but with guidance and good information you will have no problems accomplishing your preparedness goals. Once you fill your tool box with the proper tools you will be on the road my friends; my job will be to give you those tools! Let’s get started!
First you have to find that starting point; what do you have on hand? Specifically in these areas: Tools, Food and Water Storage, First Aid and Medical Supplies, Personal Hygiene items, and the Junk Box. Today I will break down Tools. Check back tomorrow for Hygiene.
Duct tape and Bailing wire; why are you laughing? They have held many of vehicles together over the years, and duct tape and bailing wire are both excellent tools to have with you. What else? First anything that requires batteries or power you need to nix right away; batteries die and the item just becomes an anchor weighing you down and power tools for obvious reasons. Build your tool list with hand tools; like screw drivers, pry-bars, knives, hammers, hand saws, hatchets and multi-use tools.
Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense and preparedness id before something happens.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Evacuation Time frame preparation plans
Evacuation Time frame preparation plans
Evacuation Time frame preparation planning is necessary. Time frame plans to have in place; day’s notice plan, hours plan and a five minute plan. For each plan know what you will take, have it organized, and be sure it is in writing and placed in a location easy to retrieve. We have a plan for each made on an excel spread sheet with check points to give us reassurance we have gathered everything.
Evacuation Time frame preparation planning is necessary. Time frame plans to have in place; day’s notice plan, hours plan and a five minute plan. For each plan know what you will take, have it organized, and be sure it is in writing and placed in a location easy to retrieve. We have a plan for each made on an excel spread sheet with check points to give us reassurance we have gathered everything.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
When it comes to medications
When it comes to medications
When it comes to medications there are you few small things to consider before it is time to flee. Keep your medications in one location; if you have children be sure the location is where they are unattainable for them. Keeping them all in one location makes it easy to collect them quickly, avoiding the time it takes to search, and you won’t precious spend time effort trying to be sure you have them all. Don’t wait until your completely out of your medications before refilling them, if you don’t have them when you must flee it could be costly.
When it comes to medications there are you few small things to consider before it is time to flee. Keep your medications in one location; if you have children be sure the location is where they are unattainable for them. Keeping them all in one location makes it easy to collect them quickly, avoiding the time it takes to search, and you won’t precious spend time effort trying to be sure you have them all. Don’t wait until your completely out of your medications before refilling them, if you don’t have them when you must flee it could be costly.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Don’t pressure yourself to spend money you don’t have
Don’t pressure yourself to spend money you don’t have
Don’t pressure yourself to spend money you don’t have on supplies. It is extremely important to get together a go bag and start storing food and other supplies as soon as possible; but not by hurting yourself to do it, be realistic. Make preparedness part of your monthly budget and stick to it. When you purchase items take the time to find the best value helping you to stretch every dollar.
Don’t pressure yourself to spend money you don’t have on supplies. It is extremely important to get together a go bag and start storing food and other supplies as soon as possible; but not by hurting yourself to do it, be realistic. Make preparedness part of your monthly budget and stick to it. When you purchase items take the time to find the best value helping you to stretch every dollar.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Know what is going on where you live
Know what is going on where you live
Know what is going on where you live. What kind of possible dangers are lurking near you and you’re community like fires, violent weather, flooding, tornadoes, earthquake, etc. Put a plan in place in case you have to evacuate; keep all important documents in one secure location have bags or boxes on hand, consider evacuating prior to it being mandatory. If you find yourself in the unfortunate circumstance that you need to evacuate you have the essentials ready to go and leave post haste.
Know what is going on where you live. What kind of possible dangers are lurking near you and you’re community like fires, violent weather, flooding, tornadoes, earthquake, etc. Put a plan in place in case you have to evacuate; keep all important documents in one secure location have bags or boxes on hand, consider evacuating prior to it being mandatory. If you find yourself in the unfortunate circumstance that you need to evacuate you have the essentials ready to go and leave post haste.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Make a place to stay ahead of time
Make a place to stay ahead of time
When disaster strikes do you know where you’re going?
Pre plan for a place or places to stay before you need one; relatives, friends, or a place you have pre set up. Public Shelters should be a last resort. Prepare your home or shelter to house others if in their time of need, remember that cot, sofa or tent in the company of someone they know is better than any shelter.
When disaster strikes do you know where you’re going?
Pre plan for a place or places to stay before you need one; relatives, friends, or a place you have pre set up. Public Shelters should be a last resort. Prepare your home or shelter to house others if in their time of need, remember that cot, sofa or tent in the company of someone they know is better than any shelter.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Self Storages used in an interesting way.
Self Storages used in an interesting way.
It is always great to think out side the box...Matt certainly has, check out this idea he talks about.
Whether the worst is a tornado, flood, or earthquake you should always be ready for anything. What do I mean exactly? Basically, what I’m suggesting is to have a plan; have the appropriate steps in place to ensure that you make it through any of these dangerous situations.
The basis to any survival plan starts with having a safe, secure location to retreat to. If you have access, a basement is probably your best bet, but if you don’t then you need to find an alternative solution. An underground bunker, an attic, or even a ‘Panic Room’ are good choices, but how about considering a self-storage unit? Think that’s a crazy idea? Let me explain.
If you really stop and think about it, self-storage facilities are the ideal safe haven. They have locations all across the country; they are extremely well built, and depending on what size you get, can easily fit five to seven people. In addition, they usually have high-tech security systems in place and if you so choose, you can even get units that are climate controlled – you may be coming here after you lose power in your home so this amenity could be quite appealing.
Imagine all of the things you could store here that would come in handy during these emergency situations: candles, matches, batteries, and weapons are just a few examples; of course food and water should obviously be your number one priority. Also remember that weapons can be a bit of a wild card, specifically guns/rifles – make sure you ask your facility manager if you are allowed to store fire arms in the unit before putting them in there.
Even though renting a storage unit is an added expense, in the end I think it will be worth it. Do a little research before you make your decision to guarantee that you find the best deal available, but also keep in mind location (i.e. proximity to where you live). You may get a better deal on a unit that’s across town but it won’t be worth it to rent a unit you can’t get to when the time comes.
You may also want to keep this information between you and your family. The last thing you want is for other people coming to your unit in their time of need just because they weren’t prepared. By all means help out whoever you can, but keep in mind people’s dark side comes out when push comes to shove.
It should be noted too that because these facilities are an untapped resource (at least at this point), they may be one of the first places ransacked when things hit the fan. Because of shows like Storage Wars, people are now aware of the endless possibilities of items that could be found in a storage unit, anything from mattresses and clothes to food and water. Keep this is mind when heading to your unit and always be on your guard.
I want to end by stressing that I don’t believe this will be the best option for everyone, but it is an option to consider. Most people haven’t thought of using storage units for this purpose and so I felt I could enlighten them. Whatever you decide to do, take the time to consider your options and of course, stay safe.
It is always great to think out side the box...Matt certainly has, check out this idea he talks about.
Whether the worst is a tornado, flood, or earthquake you should always be ready for anything. What do I mean exactly? Basically, what I’m suggesting is to have a plan; have the appropriate steps in place to ensure that you make it through any of these dangerous situations.
The basis to any survival plan starts with having a safe, secure location to retreat to. If you have access, a basement is probably your best bet, but if you don’t then you need to find an alternative solution. An underground bunker, an attic, or even a ‘Panic Room’ are good choices, but how about considering a self-storage unit? Think that’s a crazy idea? Let me explain.
If you really stop and think about it, self-storage facilities are the ideal safe haven. They have locations all across the country; they are extremely well built, and depending on what size you get, can easily fit five to seven people. In addition, they usually have high-tech security systems in place and if you so choose, you can even get units that are climate controlled – you may be coming here after you lose power in your home so this amenity could be quite appealing.
Imagine all of the things you could store here that would come in handy during these emergency situations: candles, matches, batteries, and weapons are just a few examples; of course food and water should obviously be your number one priority. Also remember that weapons can be a bit of a wild card, specifically guns/rifles – make sure you ask your facility manager if you are allowed to store fire arms in the unit before putting them in there.
Even though renting a storage unit is an added expense, in the end I think it will be worth it. Do a little research before you make your decision to guarantee that you find the best deal available, but also keep in mind location (i.e. proximity to where you live). You may get a better deal on a unit that’s across town but it won’t be worth it to rent a unit you can’t get to when the time comes.
You may also want to keep this information between you and your family. The last thing you want is for other people coming to your unit in their time of need just because they weren’t prepared. By all means help out whoever you can, but keep in mind people’s dark side comes out when push comes to shove.
It should be noted too that because these facilities are an untapped resource (at least at this point), they may be one of the first places ransacked when things hit the fan. Because of shows like Storage Wars, people are now aware of the endless possibilities of items that could be found in a storage unit, anything from mattresses and clothes to food and water. Keep this is mind when heading to your unit and always be on your guard.
I want to end by stressing that I don’t believe this will be the best option for everyone, but it is an option to consider. Most people haven’t thought of using storage units for this purpose and so I felt I could enlighten them. Whatever you decide to do, take the time to consider your options and of course, stay safe.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Preparedness food for thought
I always say remember the time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense and preparedness is before something happens. Well I would to give you some food for thought.
Let’s say you recently planted young tree, you have nurtured it made sure it has enough food, water, and planted in a position that it receives enough sun all to help it grow healthy and strong. Those are necessary for the tree to thrive. What else would you do?
Did you say stake it? I think that would be perfect! Why would you stake it?
Well I say you would stake the tree it to prepare it for the possibility of weather events that might harm it. Yes prepare! You take the time to place stakes and strap it so it doesn't break or fall from the weather events like high winds, saturating rains, etc.
If you’re willing to invest that kind of preparation for a tree how much more should you take for your family or yourself?
Remember the time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense and preparedness is before something happens.
I always say remember the time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense and preparedness is before something happens. Well I would to give you some food for thought.
Let’s say you recently planted young tree, you have nurtured it made sure it has enough food, water, and planted in a position that it receives enough sun all to help it grow healthy and strong. Those are necessary for the tree to thrive. What else would you do?
Did you say stake it? I think that would be perfect! Why would you stake it?
Well I say you would stake the tree it to prepare it for the possibility of weather events that might harm it. Yes prepare! You take the time to place stakes and strap it so it doesn't break or fall from the weather events like high winds, saturating rains, etc.
If you’re willing to invest that kind of preparation for a tree how much more should you take for your family or yourself?
Remember the time to learn your lesson about personal security, self defense and preparedness is before something happens.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Why Preparing is Essential – Economic Collapse
I found this information very insightful.
Many Preppers believe that the most likely reason they will be using their stored goods will be a natural disaster. It may happen. But let me tell you what I believe is the most likely purpose those goods will need to be used; widespread financial crisis.
The food that preppers have stored will be used in lieu of weekly purchased store-bought food, not because the food at the store is not available, but because it is too expensive. It will be used on an ongoing, regular basis (and not in response to a specific event like a natural disaster), while others financially struggle to buy food because they don't have stored goods. Preppers will start using a piece of rope to hang clothes to dry, instead of paying increased electric bills from an electric clothes dryer. Self-defense items will be employed by preppers to defend their goods they had the foresight to store, instead of defending oneself. The bad guy those self-defense items will be used against will not be the usual criminal-type, but one of the many people who did not prepare for the future state of the economy. (As an aside, I think the secure garden will prove to be the best prepper investment of them all.).
Just like the USA and the former USSR, the rest of the world learned that economic conditions proved more important than how many nuclear warheads each had. In the future, preppers and non-preppers will learn that our personal wealth and how we used it will be the critical factor in a person’s quality of life on a personal level.
Why do I say this? It is because it looks like there is no way out of our current economic malaise and our long-term problem -- our staggering national debt. We simply do not have the political will to do what is necessary, never mind be able to agree on what plan to implement, to save ourselves from the coming economic pain. Recent events indicate that the national debt will increase even more rapidly.
Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, recently announced a new quantitative easing plan, known as QE3, coming after QE1 and QE2. QE3 plans to purchase 40 billion a month in mortgage-backed securities, in addition to continuing what has become known as operation twist. This will continue to increase the money supply. However, commentators debate the amount of inflation now, and how much will come in the future. The government says there is hardly any inflation, but as any grocery shopper will tell you, items, especially food, are costing more. Regardless of what the official government numbers and economists say about the extent of inflation, you can count on food prices to soar in the future as the Federal Reserve carries out its latest plan.
With regard to employment, this dichotomy between government's official numbers, and what people really experience, continues. For instance, the “unemployment rate” the government concedes, is still high, but is down from early 2009. Before you rely on this and think things have really improved, realize that even the numbers show more people have left the job force in the past few years than in a long while. We now have a job force the size it was 40 years ago. That means the numbers show many people have simply given up trying to find a job. But no matter how you interpret or spin the unemployment numbers, what anyone recently laid off or successful in finding a job can tell you, the jobs aren’t what they used to be.
Yes, you may be able to find one, but it will not come with the same pay, benefits, or stability provided in prior job markets. “McJobs”, as some have termed these new opportunities, are the norm. Will good jobs ever return? In the face of two major forces: 1) automation; and 2) outsourcing (companies moving to Mexico or who knows where), there is no reason to think current trends are going to change. So, whether you were able to find a new job or not, the overall theme is a lack of real wages. Real wages have been stagnant since 1973. This is one official number that does seem to jive with the reality people have experienced.
With inflation poised to rise, and unemployment (real wages,which at best are treading water) the overall economy and the growth rate will be dragged down. For everyday folks, this means a continuing grind to get by. As the paycheck shrinks from lower real wages, and the value of the paycheck decreases from inflation, the budget will get tighter and tighter. Prepare for the chronic economic struggle that will lead to preppers employing their skills and goods unto everyday living.
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